One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

by Rich Stratton, Assistant Director of Public Relations

“The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.”  

These poignant words are among the most renowned utterances of Job, the emblematic figure of faith in the Bible. This was his reaction upon learning of the tragic loss of all his children in a single natural catastrophe.  

While few can truly comprehend the extent of Job’s sorrow, Daniel Foster and his wife Breeze have faced similar heartache. Daniel shared their journey of finding solace in God's grace through life's peaks and valleys on the Cedarville Stories Podcast.  

Daniel FosterGod has bestowed numerous blessings upon Daniel. He earned his degree in electrical engineering from Cedarville University in 2001, which led to a fulfilling career as a civilian defense contractor for the United States Army. Through this divine provision, he also met and married Breeze, with whom he has been blessed with six healthy children.  

The Lord has also taken away.  

Over a span of two years, Daniel and Breeze have navigated a tumultuous path of loss and emotion. In 2017, they mourned the passing of their daughter Willow, who left this world 36 weeks into Breeze’s pregnancy, and they faced the heart-wrenching news that Breeze might not be able to conceive again. 

Ember FosterJust over a year later, their joy returned with the arrival of Ember, whose sweet spirit brought light to their lives, only for tragedy to strike again. A few months after her birth, she was diagnosed with a rare genetic illness that ultimately claimed her life.  

Through these trials, Daniel and his family have maintained a steadfast faith in God and His grace which has supported them during their darkest hours. This unwavering belief has even inspired Daniel to pen a book, “Waiting for Peace,” aimed at encouraging others to hold on to the goodness of God's grace.  

Learn more about the Foster family's extraordinary journey of faith, which includes yet another unexpected blessing — the birth of their newest daughter, Zennia Grace, alongside the joy of their first grandchild — as Daniel shares his compelling Cedarville Story

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