One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

by Benjamin Kounch, Student Public Relations Writer

Cedarville University’s cyber operations program continues to earn national recognition for its educational excellence and high-level partnerships. Now, one of its leaders is helping to pioneer cyber operations education across the country. 

Dr. Seth Hamman, professor of cyber operations and computer science, has become a nationally recognized leader in cybersecurity education. His work with the National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity (NCAE-C) overseen by the National Security Agency (NSA) has positioned him to help shape the future of cyber operations education in the United States.  

“By God’s grace and through providential circumstances, I’m the CAE in Cyber Operations (CAE-CO) Community of Practice co-chair, which aims to recognize the highest regarded programs nationwide,” said Hamman. “I’ve helped institutions that seek to improve the quality or structure of their cyber education, and I have this opportunity not for myself, but to help better shape the next generation of cyber operations professionals.” 

Hamman has influenced the field of cyber operations nationally and at Cedarville University since joining the university in 2012. While earning his doctoral degree in computer science from the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and teaching computer science at Cedarville, Hamman saw the growing need for cyber operations education firsthand.  

Cedarville’s proximity to AFIT — one of the first schools to receive a CAE-CO designation — gave Hamman insight into the growing national focus on highly skilled cyber operators. This led to the development of a cyber operations specialization within Cedarville’s computer science program in 2018.  Two years later, Cedarville transitioned cyber operations into a stand-alone major, the first of its kind in the state of Ohio. 

Dr. Seth Hamman teaching.Hamman’s national influence stems from leadership opportunities within the NCAE. He led the team that developed the knowledge units for the CAE cyber operations designation, which is the curricular blueprint for cyber operations education nationwide. Hamman was a part of the senior leadership team for the NSA and National Science Foundation’s joint initiative to incorporate AI into cyber education. He also helps plan and leads sessions at national symposiums on cybersecurity education, and works closely with the NCAE Program Management Office at the NSA, which includes opportunities to lecture NSA summer interns. 

“Through my own experiences working in the field and my proximity to the start of the modern cyber operations education landscape, I’ve been given a platform that I want to leverage to raise more individuals and institutions to an even higher standard of excellence,” said Hamman. “With Cedarville’s focus on excellent education and intentional discipleship, it is an ideal place to develop this type of talent.” 

As Hamman continues to wield his voice for the betterment of national cyber operations, he acknowledges that his position in the spotlight has only been made possible by the quality and expertise of his fellow faculty at Cedarville. This group of leaders has developed a shared vision for cyber operations education and has built the country’s highest-ranked cyber operations program in a Christian university. This sharing of responsibilities and leadership allows Hamman to work on the national landscape without neglecting the home front. 

“The faculty at Cedarville are here because they were called to be here by God.  We share the same deeply held core values and vision for our students,” said Hamman. “This leads to a level of collegiality that gives us a clear competitive advantage, and I’m grateful for the opportunities to represent my colleagues and honor their work.” 

Cedarville University, an evangelical Christian institution in southwest Ohio, offers undergraduate and graduate programs across arts, sciences, and professional fields. With 6,384 students, it ranks among Ohio's largest private universities and is recognized by the Wall Street Journal as being among the nation’s top three evangelical universities. Cedarville is also known for its vibrant Christian community, challenging academics, and high graduation and retention rates. Learn more at


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