Self Disclosure
In the post-secondary setting, it is the responsibility of the students to take ownership of their education by fully participating in the accommodation process. New students, who wish to be considered for reasonable accommodations at Cedarville University, must self-disclose and register with Disability Services once they have been accepted and have committed to attending the University.
Self-disclosure in a timely and reasonable manner is important for several reasons:
- The process requires time to acquire the necessary information to establish eligibility.
- Certain types of accommodations such as housing, e-text, and interpreters require advance notice to arrange.
- Accommodations are not retroactive.
Students who choose not to self-disclose when they enter Cedarville University do not forfeit their right to identify themselves and to receive accommodations at a later date. However, Cedarville University is not obligated to provide accommodations or services to those students with disabilities who do not disclose.
Early self-disclosure to Disability Services is particularly helpful for students with chronic medical conditions that are episodic in nature. These students may be fine at the beginning of the term, but may experience flare-ups of their condition as the term progresses. Having a plan in place, should a flare-up occur, eliminates surprises. This gives the student and faculty member the opportunity to consider options to mitigate the impact of such a flare-up and help the student manage course work and other academic responsibilities.
Registering with Disability Services and establishing eligibility does not obligate a student to use approved accommodations. However, waiting until one experiences difficulties in meeting academic responsibilities or one fails an exam to begin the accommodation process may not be the wisest decision. It is important to understand that accommodations are not retroactive.