General Information
Facilities/Services for Students with Disabilities 2
- Disability Services
- Academic Enrichment Center - The Cove
- Writing Center
- Centennial Library Disability Assistance Policy
Accreditation/Approval/Licensure of Institution and Programs 3
Computer Use and Copyright Infringement Policies/Sanctions 4
- Copyright Infringement Notification
- Compliance with the Higher Education Opportunity Act
- Academic Integrity Statement and Procedures
- Avoiding Plagiarism
- Citation Resources
- Acceptable Use
Privacy of Student Records – FERPA 5
- The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Requirements to Release Educational Records
- Access to Records
- Managing Privacy Permissions
Title IX Compliance 6
Withdrawal Refund Policy & Return of Financial Aid to Title IV Policy 7
- Refund Policy - Cashier's Office
- Drop/Add Schedule - Office of the Registrar
- Undergraduate Withdrawal Refund Policy
- Graduate Withdrawal Refund Policy
- Return of Financial Aid to Title IV Policy
- Undergraduate Catalog - Return to Title IV Policy (R2T4)
- Graduate Catalog - Return to Title IV Policy (R2T4)
Requirements/Procedures for Withdrawal 8
Voter Registration 9
Constitution Day 10
1. Cost of Attendance
Information is provided on the cost of attending Cedarville University.
2. Facilities and Services for Students with Disabilities
The mission of Disability Services is to facilitate an environment where qualified students with disabilities have equal access to educational opportunities and campus life. Descriptions are provided of the facilities and services available for students with disabilities at Cedarville University.
3. Accreditation, Approval, and Licensure of Institution and Programs
Cedarville University is chartered by the State of Ohio and certified by the Ohio Board of Regents. The University is regionally accredited through the Higher Learning Commission. Additionally, several departments and programs within the University hold program-specific accreditations, certificates, and licensures, insuring our graduates the full benefit of approved and professionally recognized degree programs. A list is provided of the agencies that accredit Cedarville University and its programs.
4. Copyright Infringement – Policies, Sanctions, and Computer Use
Cedarville University complies with the provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (DMCA). It is illegal, as described in the Federal law (U.S. Copyright Act, Title 17 of the US Code, and more recently the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 105 PL 304), to download, upload, or distribute in any fashion, copyrighted material, in any form without permission or a license to do so from the copyright holder. Cedarville University neither condones nor supports in any way the use of copyrighted material in ways in which it was not intended. Different resources are provided to help students understand the policies and how to comply.
5. Privacy of Student Records – Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Cedarville University complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (the Buckley Amendment), which is designed to protect the privacy of educational records, to establish the right of students to inspect and review their records, and to provide guidelines for the correction of inaccurate or misleading data through informal and formal hearings. The University has adopted a policy that explains in detail the procedures followed for compliance with provisions of the Act. Copies of the policy are available in the Office of the Registrar and the Student Life Division Office.
6. Title IX Compliance
In compliance with Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, sex discrimination applies to, but is not limited to: recruitment, admissions, housing, athletic and extracurricular activities, rules and regulations, discipline, class enrollment, access to programs, courses and internships, distribution of financial assistance, distribution of institutional resources, hiring practices, employment, promotion, and policies. For the purposes of this policy, “sex discrimination” shall include, but not be limited to, any acts of sexual violence, sexual assault, and sexual harassment. The University will take immediate action to address sex discrimination promptly and to equitably investigate complaints to resolve the situation, prevent its reoccurrence, and address its effects by implementing awareness and/or preventative measures. The University is committed to promoting respect for the bodily integrity of all persons, the virtues of chastity, and the sacredness of human sexuality. The University affirms that sexual relationships are designed by God to be expressed solely within a marriage between husband and wife. Sexual acts of any kind outside the confines of marriage are inconsistent with biblical principles and are prohibited by University policies. “Sexual Misconduct,” as that term is used in this policy, means any form of sex discrimination prohibited by Title IX. Sexual misconduct is antithetical to the standards and ideals of our community and will not be tolerated. Cedarville recognizes the spiritual, moral, legal, physical, and psychological seriousness of all sexual misconduct, regardless of the level of acquaintance between the perpetrator and the victim, however casual. Cedarville aims to eradicate sexual misconduct through education, training, clear policies, and serious consequences for violations of these policies. Information is provided on Cedarville University’s policy, coordinator, and resources.
7. Withdrawal Refund Policy & Return of Financial Aid to Title IV Policy
Information is provided about the withdrawal tuition refund policy and schedule and the policy for the return of financial aid (Return to Title IV Policy - R2T4).
8. Requirements and Procedures for Withdrawal
Information is provided about the requirements and procedures to be followed for withdrawal from Cedarville University.
9. Voter Registration
Links are provided to the State of Ohio voter registration site and to a national site that provides voter registration information for each state.
10. Constitution Day
Links are provided to the most recent Constitution Day event and to the Center for Political Studies, who sets up the speaker for the annual event.