One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

Operation of the Cedarville University Public Water System includes provision of an adequate supply of safe water for domestic, commercial, and public use; compliance with all laws, regulations, and orders; uninterrupted operation of the water treatment plant and of the distribution system; and maintaining good relations with the Cedarville University Staff, Faculty and students as well as with the local community of Cedarville.

The Sanitary Survey Evaluation Report (SSER) is an Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (O.E.P.A.) requirement that occurs every three years. O.P.E.A. officials inspect the well field, water plant, department records, operations in general, record of compliance with water quality standards, licensing compliance, and continuing education requirements for the operators over those past three years. They also look for the weakest or least improved component in the system and require that it is brought up to the surrounding capacity so that we have a qualified system. Our wells, filtration, pumping capacity, storage capacity, and water transmission lines must be matched to O.E.P.A. standards.

Upgrades over the last 10 years include new and improved wells, an approved Wellhead Protection Plan, improved filtration capacity due to two new iron/manganese filters installed, total re-piping of the pump house, increased pumping capacity with the installation of a new high service pump, and a new 6" water line connecting the existing Wellfield to the Water Treatment Plant increasing our Raw Water supply capacity.  The Cedarville PWS received an excellent rating on our three most recent inspections.

The O.E.P.A. mandates an annual Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) be written and distributed for the previous year in addition to the SSER. The CCR is delivered to all Cedarville University Water System customers via the Campus Today email, and it is also available at the link below.

View O.E.P.A reports: