Pharmacy Grads Surpass National Average on Licensing Test
Cedarville University Doctor of Pharmacy graduates achieved a 96.77 percent pass rate on the North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination.

One Professor, 1,000 Media Interviews
Mark Caleb Smith, a political science professor and director of Cedarville's Center for Political Studies, was an expert source during the 2016 Republican National Convention and has appeared on Newshour, PBS's nationally televised news program.

Education Majors and STEM School Learn Together
Teachers in training spend two class periods a week observing and working in classrooms at the Springfield, Ohio school.

Largest Cedarville Missions Conference Ever
Dr. Kevin Ezell, president of the North American Mission Board (NAMB), will keynote four main sessions.

Smartphone App and the Great Commission
Story Producer is a do-it-yourself evangelism and discipleship tool for reaching communities with little to no written language.

M.S.N. Student Impacts Community with Gospel and Improved Healthcare
Gary Osantowski has found second calling serving underrepresented minorities in Kent County, Michigan.

Students Breathe Life into CPR Training
Nursing Honor Society of Cedarville members come to the aid of faculty by providing CPR training to classmates.

Neck Injury Device Turning Heads
Rubberized donut will stop blood loss while maintaining air flow in patients with traumatic injuries.

Students Vaccinate Students During Fall Clinics
Nursing and pharmacy students vaccinate classmates and faculty and test for tuberculosis, practicing a valuable clinical skill.

Global Outreach Summer Diary
All summer, Cedarville teams have traveled north, south, east, and west to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ through sports, vacation Bible schools, and youth camps. Relive the faith journey of some of our short-term teams in this Summer Diary.

Less Fortunate in Focus for Help-Portrait Events
Special events in Cedarville and Springfield provide portraits for those who would otherwise not be able to afford them.

Police Mentoring Program Receives International Recognition
Dr. Patrick Oliver, director of the criminal justice program at Cedarville University, leads mentoring program for minorities aspiring to law enforcement leadership.