Pharmacy Dean Joins Marijuana Task Force
Sweeney joins OPA's Marijuana Task Force.
New Wheels for Yellow Jacket Athletic Teams
WAVE Program Prepares Students for Success
Bookstore Saves Students $184,000
Haymond Donates Lifesaving Cells to Australian Teen
Dr. Jeff Haymond will donate lifesaving stem cells to an Australian teen
Another Record Enrollment for Cedarville
Tenth consecutive record enrollment for Cedarville
Creation Conference Brings Experts to Campus
Cedarville and Answers In Genesis will host a two-day conference September 15-16.
Ken Ham to Speak in Chapel
Ken Ham set to speak in chapel Sept. 15 in conjunction with creation conference
Science and Math Day Coming to Cedarville
Science and Math Day coming to Cedarville
Pharmacy Students Invited to Governor's Residence
"Start Talking!" initiative brings governor, students together on drug abuse campaign
Pharmacy Students Receive Prestigious White Coats
Pharmacy students receive prestigious white coats
Spain Experience Provides Ministry Opportunity
Renae Chrystal spent the summer in Spain teaching English and computer skills to immigrant children as part of her studies through the ISS.