Cedarville Stories: Memories of Home, Horrors of War
A familiar restaurant visited after church, the smell of her mother's bortsch simmering. For Jessica Wiebe who grew up in Ukraine, the Russian invasion is more than a headline; it's highly personal.

Seeking Healthcare Solutions in a Hurry
Grace Hong, a first-year Doctor of Pharmacy student at Cedarville University, will participate in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Hacking Medicine Grand Hack from April 15-17, 2022.

"My Mind is Not Broken"
Evan Weise may be different from other students because of his spinal muscular atrophy (SMARD), but his ability to experience college academics and life remains unaffected by his condition.

Seven Champions: Cedarville Shines at National Speech Competition
The Cedarville University forensics team competed during the National Christian College Forensics Invitational at Liberty University on March 19.

Professor Named President of Religious Communication Association
Since 2009, Dr. Andrew Harris, associate professor of communication, has been active in the organization of scholars seeking to understand how communication and religion intersect.

Cedarville Stories: Wars and Rumors of Wars
Dr. Glen Duerr's keen insight regarding international events coupled with a biblical worldview puts him in a unique spot for offering counsel. What advice does he offer Christians in these troubling times?

Grand Canyon Trip Immerses Students in Creation
Alongside nine geology majors and Scott Huck, university photographer, Dr. John Whitmore, senior professor of geology, traveled to northern Arizona to study volcanoes, canyon erosion, the Great Unconformity and the Hopi Buttes over Christmas break.

Collaboration Will Raise Up Church Planters
In an innovative educational partnership with the Great Commission Collective association of churches, The Graduate School at Cedarville University seeks to help grow the next generation of church planters and pastors.

Rocket Team Qualifies for NASA Competition
A successful launch of their full-scale rocket on April 3 earned them the right to compete on April 22-23 at the Marshall Space Flight Center.

Nursing Students Administer TB Tests
The tests will take place on April 8 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the first-floor clinic in the Health Sciences Center (HSC)

Cedarville Stories Podcast: "Your Prayers Are An Iron Dome"
Some of Abigail Rist’s closest friends and loved ones are in the middle of a war zone. And she’s begging you: Don’t stop praying.

Pro-Life Advocacy Courses This June
Courses begin May 9 with an online component, with in-person classes June 13-17 and June 20-24. Registration is open until May 2. Sign up at cedarville.edu/defendinglife.