One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

Trevor Creeden

Trevor Creeden

Associate Vice President for Student Development, Dean of Students


Trevor Creeden oversees the Student Development arm of Cedarville University, which includes Residence Life and Counseling Services.

Education and Credentials

  • BA in Public Administration, Cedarville University
  • MEd, Cedarville University


Favorite Verse: Isaiah 41:10

Favorite Sport: Baseball

Hobbies: Biking, coaching baseball, refereeing basketball, watching/playing sports, spending time with family

Favorite Book: Do You Believe, Paul Tripp

Favorite Place: Morgantown, West Virginia, (Go Mountaineers!) and Hilton Head, South Carolina

Favorite Snacks: Peanut butter pretzels, Oreos, Doritos, M&M's