One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville


A respondent is an individual who is reported to have engaged in Prohibited Conduct under Title IX.

There is a presumption that a respondent is not responsible for the alleged conduct until a determination regarding responsibility is made at the conclusion of the grievance process.

Respondents investigated under Title IX may have been reported of alleged prohibited conduct which may include:

  • Sexual assault
  • Interpersonal violence (including dating and domestic violence)
  • Stalking
  • Sexual harassment
    • Quid Quo Pro
    • Unwelcome conduct on the basis of sex
  • Sex discrimination
  • Retaliation
  • False information and false complaints
  • Failing to report Prohibited Conduct as a non-confidential employee

For complete definitions and examples, see the policy page.

Receiving a notice of allegations does not mean a Respondent has been found in violation of a policy. It means that a formal complaint was filed and an investigation has been started to determine if there was a violation of policy. The investigation process can be stressful and complicated. It is important for Respondents to understand the process and the rights afforded to them. For more information, please read through the process in our policy.


If you feel you are in immediate danger of harm by another person or yourself, call 911 or Campus Security at (937) 239-6491. It is important that physical and emotional needs are met first. For mental health support, call the University Counseling Services Office at (937) 766-7855.

Support and Assistance

Supportive measures are available through Cedarville University’s Title IX office to both Complainants and Respondents, including but not limited to: (See policy for a more comprehensive list.)

  • Address questions and concerns about institutional policy and procedure.
  • Providing access to counseling services and assistance in setting up an initial appointment
  • Issuing and enforcing No Contact Directives, which are usually mutual unless and until a finding of responsibility for a policy violation has been made
  • Providing alternative on-campus housing
  • Assisting with relocation of housing or work space
  • Modifying academic and extracurricular activities, transportation, and dining arrangements
  • Extending deadlines and assisting with other course-related adjustments
  • Modifying work or class schedules
  • Implementing access restriction or interim suspension of an individual while a matter is investigated and resolved
  • Imposing other protections or behavioral restrictions as necessary and appropriate

Confidentiality and Privacy

Confidential resources are resources that are not obligated to share any identifiable information with Title IX, law enforcement, parents, or anyone else without permission first, except in cases where there is concern of imminent harm to yourself, someone else, or the campus community. For more information about confidential resources, visit the Resources page.

Private Resources are those that are obligated to share known names and facts with the Title IX office or law enforcement. Even if a resource is not confidential, all student information will be handled in accordance with the regulations established by FERPA and maintained on a need-to-know basis.

Learn How to Get Support for Interpersonal Violence