One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

College Credit Plus (CCP) Q&A for Homeschool Families

Monday, February 12, 2024

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Whether you're just beginning to explore the possibilities of Ohio's College Credit Plus (CCP) funding program or you're ready to take the next steps in your student's academic journey, these CCP FAQs are designed to help you. Read through the questions to gain a better understanding of CCP eligibility, applications, courses, and credits, or watch the recent CCP Live webinar for even more insight. For specific questions about your student's situation, contact Cedarville University's Dual Enrollment team at

What is College Credit Plus (CCP)?

CCP is a taxpayer-funded program allowing eligible Ohio students to take allowable college courses at participating colleges for dual credit for free. Students must be admitted to a participating college before requesting CCP funding.

How do students apply for CCP funding?

Public school students should contact their school counselor; they may receive up to 30 credit hours per year. Private and homeschool parents need to apply for funding through Ohio's OH | ID portal annually between February 1 and April 1.

Is the OH|ID account required for public school students?

No, the OH|ID account is not required for public school students.

My student takes some classes at a school and some classes at home. Should I apply for public, private, or homeschool funding?

If you notified your school district of your intent to homeschool, your student is considered home-educated. Full-time enrollment in a public or private school disqualifies this status. Please apply for either homeschool or private school funding based on the school your student will attend in the upcoming school year.

What does it mean to be “eligible” for funding?

Eligibility includes meeting statewide standards for test scores or a high school GPA of at least 3.0, as well as relevant coursework. Colleges assess eligibility and determine if test scores are required during the admission process.

What courses are allowable in CCP?

General education and technical courses are typically allowable. Courses with religious content, physical fitness components, high fees, private lessons, or study abroad programs are not usually funded.

What colleges participate in CCP?

All public and some private universities in Ohio participate in CCP. A few out-of-state colleges participate. Contact private colleges directly to confirm their participation.

What does dual credit mean?

Dual credit means a student earns credit for a college course, which applies to both their high school and college transcripts. Dual enrollment means the student is enrolled in two intuitions at the same time.

What are the dates and deadlines for CCP?

The funding application for private school and homeschool students is open annually from February 1 to April 1. College admission deadlines may vary, but new students must have a letter of college admission to complete their CCP funding application.

Can CCP credits transfer to other colleges?

CCP credits are generally transferable, but please check with the Office of the Registrar at the receiving college or university for institutional transfer policies.

What are some key things to consider before a student begins CCP?

Consider academic preparation, social-emotional maturity, and spiritual readiness when participating in CCP. Students should be proficient in high school level reading, writing, and math before attempting their first college course. Parents should also consider that the difficulty level will be more rigorous than high school work and the pace of a semester-long college course will be accelerated compared to a year-long high school course.

What materials are needed for the Cedarville application?

The application process requires a high school transcript, a recommendation from a Christian leader, and the state-mandated mature content permission slip. Additional documents may be requested for international students and students who do not meet Cedarville’s transcript requirements.

Do awarded CCP credits carry over if not used?

Credits do not roll over from year to year, and CCP will not partially fund courses. Unused credits are forfeited at the end of the spring semester.

Can you take CCP courses online through Cedarville?

Yes, many CCP courses at Cedarville are online and asynchronous. View our course list.

My middle school student has not taken any high school classes. Can I make a transcript for my student and then have him or her take a test?

Yes, you can create a middle school grade report and then your student can take the test. However, we strongly recommend completion of high school coursework in each of the subject areas to help students prepare for college-level courses.

Do you offer admissions advising services for transcript preparation?

For transcript preparation and state graduation requirements, we recommend that you contact HSLDA, your state homeschool organization, or an independent educational consultant. Colleges only review transcripts submitted with an admission application. Cedarville does offer a sample homeschool transcript to help you keep track of the information you need to include. For more information on homeschool transcripts, see our post on transcript tips.

Does Cedarville frown upon homemade transcripts?

No, Cedarville does not look down on homemade transcripts, though it is important to remember that a transcript is an official document which should be error-free and professionally presented. Look over a sample homeschool transcript for help.

Is the SAT or an equivalent test score required for admission?

Cedarville is test optional for admission, so if a student meets the high school transcript requirement, they can be admitted without a test score. However, to enroll in math and English courses, your student must meet these minimum test scores.

For more detailed information, please visit Cedarville University's CCP page or contact the Dual Enrollment team directly.


These FAQs were gathered from the following webinar, which features a CHEO guest representative and was hosted by Cedarville University on January 18, 2024. The webinar addresses common questions about participating in CCP as a homeschool family.

CCP Live Webinar

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