Stay Connected to Cedarville!
Tuesday, September 3, 2019
Want to keep up with all that’s happening at Cedarville University? Here are two ways you can stay connected:
Subscribe to "Inside View," the monthly e-Newsletter from our President, Dr. Thomas
White. In it he shares all that is happening at Cedarville University. As your son or daughter is away at Cedarville, we hope this "Inside View" gives you a taste of what
we're all about.
Dr. White also posts regularly to his blog about events and news at Cedarville, theology and church issues, or whatever else God lays on his heart. He’ll also post his weekly sermon series as well as other chapel speakers of interest. Subscribe to his blog to be notified when a new post is published. You’ll enjoy reading his insights and seeing the heart of the man who leads Cedarville.
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