ABCs of Spiritual Growth at Cedarville
Thursday, March 2, 2023
If you want to learn how students grow spiritually at Cedarville, there's probably no better way than to hear directly from one of our recent graduates. Angela Farlow '21 shares the ABCs of spiritual growth on campus (and she
even added a "D"):
A – Attending Chapel Daily
At Cedarville we have chapel every morning at 10. Chapel is a time when the whole student body comes together to learn about God and worship through singing and Bible teaching. This time is always so sweet, and I have honestly learned so much from chapel. I have to admit that my favorite chapels are when Dr. White speaks. I think it is special that the president of our University speaks. He always makes it applicable and yet deep, and I have learned how to study my Bible and focus on Christ throughout my day. There are many other speakers that have also challenged me. Chapel is something that I look forward to every day. You can be a part of chapel now by watching on the livestream or from the archives! Chapel is truly such a blessing.
B – Bible Minor Courses
I honestly cannot say enough about my Bible minor classes. These classes have taken my knowledge from Sunday school and expanded it. I have learned countless contextual truths that have shaped the way I read my Bible. The professors in the Bible department are intentional and knowledgeable. They want you to learn and are willing to keep you accountable for it. Dr. Miller’s Old Testament Literature class is the highest-rated class at Cedarville! And lucky for you, Cedarville has given access for you to listen to the lectures! Check it out! I am in my last Bible minor class this semester, Theology 2. I look forward to going to this class every day because I walk away having learned something after every class. I appreciate that Cedarville doesn’t shy away from the deeper theological topics. I know that I can use what I have learned in these classes to be a knowledgeable and literate Christian. These classes have shaped the way that I read and understand the Bible and how I want to live my Christian life.
C – Culture with Biblical Integration
Although this is not a tangible experience that you are a part of, I have been blown away by the amount of biblical integration in my classes and in my daily interactions with faculty and staff. Not only do we have Bible minor classes, but the Bible is the central point of conversation in our major classes as well. I went to a public school growing up, so it was a very strange adjustment to hear God being spoken about so openly. I have appreciated the consistent biblical worldview. It has shaped the way I think about my daily interactions and how central God should be in my conversations. I am so thankful that Cedarville makes this a priority.
D – Discipleship Groups
Discipleship Ministries is a department within the Student Life and Christian Ministries division. The purpose of discipleship ministries is to facilitate a more accountable form of small-group ministry. A discipleship group of the same gender meets once a week to go through a book of the Bible or Christian book. After a year of being in a d-group, you can apply to be a d-group leader. With this responsibility, you meet once a week with the group you are discipling and then also with a group of other leaders that are being discipled by a discipleship council member. Participating in discipleship ministries has allowed me to make friends that talk about what God is teaching us. We hold each other accountable. I loved being a discipleship group leader. All the leaders went on a camping retreat that set the vision for the year, which was so fun. I am still good friends with girls from my discipleship groups. I encourage you to consider being a part of this at Cedarville! If you are ready to be challenged, Cedarville is a great place to grow. Take advantage of Cedarville’s focus on the Bible and you will be transformed during your time at Cedarville.
These opportunities for growth are what your student can expect during their time at Cedarville! If you student has been accepted for fall 2023, be sure to pay your reservation now to secure his or her place in the incoming class.
Posted in Spiritual Growth Why Christ Centered Higher Education
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