ID: In Christ – President's New Chapel Series
Thursday, August 30, 2018
Last week our president, Dr. Thomas White, began a yearlong sermon series through the book of Ephesians. The series is titled "ID: in Christ."
Watch the evening news or surf the Internet and you'll quickly see that we have an identity crisis in our society. So many people have a wrong perception of who they are and where their value comes from. As followers of Jesus Christ, we are not defined by what we do, what we achieve, or what others may think about us. Our true identity can only be found in Christ – in His redemptive, sacrificial work on the cross on our behalf. As we walk through the book of Ephesians each Monday as a Cedarville family, we'll discover our true identity.Watch the video below for an introduction to this series.
We invite you to walk alongside us for this series. It's a great way for you to see the heart of Cedarville University and our president. You can watch chapel by accessing the chapel livestream every morning at 10 a.m. EDT/EST. You'll join hundreds of voices in worship to our great God, and then dig deeply into His Word. Or, you can visit the chapel archive to view past messages of this series, or any other chapel speaker. Check out our chapel schedule to see when Dr. White and others will be speaking.
Posted in Spiritual Growth Student Life Why Christ Centered Higher Education
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