Section 2.25 - Y

  1. Marketing Style Guide
  2. Introduction
  3. Details
    1. Section 2.1
    2. Section 2.2
    3. Section 2.3
    4. Section 2.4
    5. Section 2.5
    6. Section 2.6
    7. Section 2.7
    8. Section 2.8
    9. Section 2.9
    10. Section 2.10
    11. Section 2.11
    12. Section 2.12
    13. Section 2.13
    14. Section 2.14
    15. Section 2.15
    16. Section 2.16
    17. Section 2.17
    18. Section 2.18
    19. Section 2.19
    20. Section 2.20
    21. Section 2.21
    22. Section 2.22
    23. Section 2.23
    24. Section 2.24
    25. Section 2.25
    26. Section 2.26
  4. Appendix A: Official Names
  5. Appendix B: Grammar


  • Use the following formats when indicating sequential years.

NOTE: Use an en dash (not a hyphen) to indicate sequential order. 

Correct: 2006–07

Correct: 2006–2007

  • When referring to decades, use an apostrophe to indicate numbers that are left out. Do not use an apostrophe between the year and “s.”

Correct: 1980s

Correct: ’90s

Yellow Jacket

• This is the Cedarville University mascot. Do not refer to the mascot as “The Bee.”
• When used as an adjective, do not use an “s.”

Correct: Yellow Jacket athletic programs are listed on their website.

Young’s Jersey Dairy

  • This is a local restaurant, located in Yellow Springs.
  • Capitalize all three words.