Frequently Asked Questions
How many students come to Cedarville unsure of their major?
Quite a few, and even more change their mind later! Nearly 15% of the freshman class (about the national average) begin with a major of "undecided." At some point, 25% of all students will have an "undecided" major, and more than half of all Cedarville students will change their major at least once.
When do I need to choose a major?
For most majors, choosing by the end of freshman year provides plenty of time to meet graduation requirements within four years. Your academic advisor will help you plan your course of study so that your time and resources are used as efficiently as possible.
What classes would I take as an undecided major?
The office of the registrar and your advisor will carefully work with you to select general education courses that will keep you on track toward graduation while you choose your major. General education classes in speech, composition, Bible, humanities, and the sciences also help you determine your academic interests and abilities. Many majors also offer introductory courses that are helpful in narrowing your search.
If you're really not sure about a major, is it better to start as an undeclared student or go ahead and choose a major, knowing you may change?
That's a good question, and to some extent it depends on the major you are considering. As a general rule, there is plenty of time to choose a major by the end of freshman year. There are advantages to starting as an undeclared student since you'll be assigned an advisor who will have a broader focus and is trained to help you with your major decision. However, if you are considering a major like engineering or education, it may be wiser to go ahead and declare a major right away. These majors are filled with required courses that must be taken in specific sequences, and choosing later may delay your graduation. If in doubt, talk to one of the helpful staff in the registrar's office. They will be glad to assist you!
Any last words of advice?
We've mentioned resources, services, and tests that can help you choose a major, but that's only part of the process. We urge you to commit this decision to the Lord in prayer. God has uniquely designed and gifted you, and He will direct you through experiences, people, and His Word to the major and life calling He has for you. "'I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord" (Jeremiah 29:11). It may be unclear to you, but it's great to know God already has it figured out! Trust Him, and He will direct your path.