Quick Facts
Top 10 Reasons to Study Psychology at Cedarville
Established Program
With seven full-time faculty and approximately 150 majors, the psychology department at Cedarville is uniquely prepared to educate and guide you to a successful career outcome.
Training Options
Whether you want general training in the field of psychology or prefer to focus on specific populations such as ministry to couples, families, and/or children, Cedarville has the program for you. Training in individual and group counseling will prepare you for a variety of professional and applied career directions.
Practical Experience
As a Cedarville psychology student, you will complete an internship under the direct supervision of a qualified professional. This hands-on experience helps you become more familiar with areas you would like to specialize in.
Ministry and Overseas Opportunities
Cedarville ministry opportunities include urban experience, evangelism/discipleship excursions, and international mission trips. Our psychology majors have successfully participated in numerous exchange programs, from spending a semester at the Focus on the Family Institute to foreign study abroad semesters in Ireland, Spain, and at Oxford.
Diverse Faculty
The psychology department is committed to teaching and modeling cultural diversity, and we have three faculty who are bilingual natives of other countries.
Biblical Integration
Every student completes a minor in Bible and each psychology course is designed to incorporate biblical principles in the discussion of psychological science. Cedarville also offers excellent chapel speakers, state of the art music, small group Bible study, and numerous mission opportunities to help you grow spiritually.
Student Satisfaction
Cedarville provides a "user-friendly" environment for students and, in a recent national survey, the University received 22 #1 rankings among Christian colleges and seven #1 rankings among all public and private colleges.
State-of-the-Art Technology
The administration at Cedarville continues to offer you the most current technology possible. Our faculty is trained in the latest teaching technology, including up-to-date computers. The Ohio Link program allows all our students to access research sources from all Ohio universities — giving Cedarville's library access to the best of research data bases, journals, and books.
Research Mentoring
The psychology faculty will work closely with you in identifying your areas of interest and guiding you through the research process. Many of our students have presented their research at state and national conferences, and highly motivated psychology majors have the potential to leave Cedarville with peer-reviewed journal publications.
Career Opportunities
Our annual Career Links Day for Social Sciences brings in representatives from graduate schools, seminaries, law schools, law enforcement training centers, and many social service agencies, linking you to job possibilities and graduate schools. Cedarville's psychology program has an excellent track record for placing motivated graduates in entry-level human service positions.