One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

SGA Chapel — 9/18/2015

Today's chapel is organized and led by members of Cedarville University's Student Government Association (SGA).

Be Bold for Jesus — 9/17/2015

Attorney David Gibbs III is the President and General Counsel of the National Center for Life and Liberty. He used the prayer of early church saints in Acts 4:29 to encourage the audience to proclaim boldly the name of Jesus.

Filling in the Blank — 9/16/2015

Dean Fulks is the Lead Pastor at Lifepoint Church in Lewis Center, Ohio, and the coordinator for SEND Columbus. The text for his message is Philippians 1.

Praise Chapel — 9/15/2015

The theme of this Praise Chapel is "Why?", taken from Psalm 22. This was presented by students in the Worship Practicum class at Cedarville University.

We Believe God Has Spoken in His Word — 9/14/2015

Dr. Thomas White is the President of Cedarville University. The text for his message is Psalm 19:7-14.

SGA Chapel — 9/11/2015

Today's chapel is organized and led by members of Cedarville University's Student Government Association (SGA).

Precious in the Sight of the Lord is the Death of His Saints — 9/10/2015

Dr. Albert Mohler is President of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. The text for his message is Psalm 116.

Convinced and Continuing — 9/9/2015

Alistair Begg is the Senior Pastor of Parkside Church in Chagrin Falls, Ohio. The text for his message is II Timothy 3.

Overcoming a Familiarity that Leads to Apathy — 9/8/2015

Dr. Corey Abney is Lead Pastor at Florence Baptist Church in the Northern Kentucky/Greater Cincinnati area, and a member of the Cedarville University Board of Trustees. The text for his message is Luke 16.

Senior Class Chapel — 9/4/2015

This chapel was led by Cedarville University's senior class. The message was given by the class chaplain, Enoch Jayasundara.

Q & A on Marriage — 9/3/2015

Dr. Thomas White, Cedarville University president, led a panel discussion on marriage with three faculty and staff couples.

Proclaiming Truth in a Contrary Culture — 9/2/2015

Dr. Mark Bailey is the President of Dallas Theological Seminary. The text for his message is Acts 17:16-34.

The Unifying Gospel of Peace — 9/1/2015

Trillia Newbell is the Director of Community Outreach at The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. She is also the author of "Fear and Faith: Finding the Peace Your Heart Craves".

We Believe in the Biblical View of Marriage — 8/31/2015

Dr. Thomas White is the President of Cedarville University. Dr. White used scripture passages in Genesis, Leviticus, Mark, and Romans to teach the biblical view of marriage.

SGA Chapel — 8/28/2015

Today's chapel is organized and led by members of Cedarville University's Student Government Association (SGA).

Indwelling Freedom from Sin and Temptation — 8/27/2015

Dr. Jon Wood is the Vice President for Student Life and Christian Ministries at Cedarville University. The text for his message is Romans 8:1-11.

Making a Case for Life on Hostile Turf - Part II — 8/26/2015

Scott Klusendorf is the Founder and President of Life Training Institute.

Making a Case for Life on Hostile Turf - Part I — 8/25/2015

Scott Klusendorf is the Founder and President of Life Training Institute.

We Believe in General Revelation — 8/24/2015

Dr. Thomas White is the President of Cedarville University. The text for his message is Psalm 19:1-6.

SGA Chapel — 8/21/2015

Today's chapel is organized and led by members of Cedarville University's Student Government Association (SGA).