One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

He Made a Change — 11/18/2015

Mike DiCuirci is Senior Professor of Music at Cedarville University. He shares his testimony of salvation in Jesus Christ.

A Strategy for Living — 11/17/2015

Dr. Craig Miller is the Senior Pastor of Grace Baptist Church in Cedarville, Ohio. The text for his message is Ephesians 5:15-21.

Sophomore Class Chapel — 11/16/2015

Today's chapel was organized and led by members of the Sophomore Class at Cedarville University.

The Believer and His Bible — 11/13/2015

Dr. Danny Akin is the President of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, North Carolina. The text for his message is II Timothy 3:14 - 4:5.

What Will You Do With Your Sin? — 11/12/2015

Garrett Kell is the Lead Pastor of Del Ray Baptist Church in Alexandria, Virginia. The text for his message is Leviticus 16.

Veterans Day Chapel — 11/11/2015

Cedarville University's annual Veterans Day Chapel honors all who have served or are presently serving in the armed forces.

The Battle is the Lord's — 11/10/2015

Duke Crawford is the Senior Pastor of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Toledo, Ohio. The text for his message is I Samuel 17.

We Believe God Created the World — 11/9/2015

Dr. Thomas White is the President of Cedarville University. The text for his message is Genesis 1:1.

SGA Chapel — 11/6/2015

Today's chapel is organized and led by members of Cedarville University's Student Government Association (SGA).

Praise Chapel — 11/5/2015

Today's special Praise Chapel was presented by Cedarville University's OneVoice gospel choir.

The Glory of Christ in the Scriptures — 11/4/2015

Dr. Erik Thoennes is Chairman of the Department of Biblical & Theological Studies at Biola University. The text for his message is Luke 24.

The Glory of God — 11/3/2015

Dr. Erik Thoennes is Chairman of the Department of Biblical & Theological Studies at Biola University. The text for his message is Exodus 33.

We Believe in God’s Holiness and Love — 11/2/2015

Dr. Thomas White is the President of Cedarville University. The text for his message is Exodus 34:5-9.

Junior Class Chapel — 10/30/2015

Today's chapel was organized and led by members of the Junior Class at Cedarville University.

My Story of Delighting in the Lord — 10/29/2015

Donna Messenger is the Director of Mu Kappa International. She shared her testimony of trusting God and being a willing servant.

Global Outreach Testimony Chapel - Day #2 — 10/28/2015

Today's chapel was the second of two days of Global Outreach Missions Trip testimonies.

Global Outreach Testimony Chapel - Day #1 — 10/27/2015

Today's chapel was the first of two days of Global Outreach Missions Trip testimonies.

Prayer Emphasis Chapel — 10/26/2015

Today's chapel service was a time of worship through prayer and music.

We Believe in a Triune God — 10/23/2015

Dr. Thomas White is the President of Cedarville University. In this message, Dr. White walked through what the Bible teaches about the doctrine of the Trinity.

Culture Shock: A Biblical Response to Today's Most Divisive Issues — 10/21/2015

Chip Ingram is the Senior Pastor of Venture Christian Church in Los Gatos, California.