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Insights Blog

Cedarville Insights provides answers to your pressing questions about Microsoft Word, Excel, and Powerpoint, as well as college undergraduate and graduate programs, theological and philosophical questions, and general purpose information.

Should You Choose a Concentration for Your MBA?

If you’ve already decided to pursue a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree, your next decision will be whether to complete a generalist MBA or customize your degree with a concentration. There are pros and cons for both, and the answer to your decision will depend on your career goals and interests. Below are some things to carefully consider when choosing between a generalist MBA or an MBA with a concentration. Why Choose an MBA Concentration? If you’re interested in a...
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Posted in MBA

How Important Is a Pharmacy Residency?

As pharmacy students near the end of their professional education, they begin to ask themselves a question: Should I pursue a postgraduation residency? For those who want to pursue more clinical work in a hospital setting, clinics, or a specialized setting, the answer is unequivocally yes. A pharmacy residency allows you to apply the knowledge and skills you've learned in school to real patients, situations, and settings. You will also be exposed to different facets of practice and learn about...
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Posted in PharmD

How to Choose a Pharmacy School

In 2019, Fehbe Meza of Blueprint Test Prep penned a blog post outlining top considerations when choosing a pharmacy school. In it, she offered seven criteria that prospective pharmacy students should carefully consider to ensure they choose the program that fits them best. At the Cedarville University School of Pharmacy, we are pleased to meet, and even exceed, each of the author’s criteria. Here’s how: Compare Curriculums Cedarville’s School of Pharmacy affords students a student-focused...
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Posted in PharmD

Business Analytics vs. Data Science

If you open any business journal or newspaper, you are likely to see headlines that include the terms "business analytics" or "data science." Many articles seem to use these terms interchangeably, but are they really referring to the same thing? What do these terms mean, and what is the difference between the two? This post will help answer those questions.Data Science Data science is focused on developing problem-solving methods and tools to bring meaning out of data. At the core of data...
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Posted in MBA

Innovation Labs Offer Creative Business Solutions

We’ve been hearing for years of the impending “death of retail.” Now, retailers are having to find creative, innovative solutions to gain customer’s attention. One way that is happening is through retail innovation labs. Retailers use labs to discover new ideas, partnerships, and collaborations to meet consumer demands and industry challenges. Well-known brands such as Coca-Cola, Ikea, and Home Depot are using labs to come up with innovative solutions that will make them stand out within their...
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Posted in MBA

What Is the Ontological Argument?

There are many arguments for the existence of God. Perhaps one of the most famous — and most often misunderstood — is the ontological argument. Dr. J.R. Gilhooly, Assistant Professor of Theology at Cedarville University, explains this argument in the video below. Unlike most arguments that start with an observation about the world and work back to a Creator, the ontological argument starts with the idea that based on the meaning of the word “God,” there has to be a God. There are many ways...
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Posted in Apologetics MTS - Ministry

How Can I Share the Gospel With a Muslim?

For many Christians, sharing their faith with a Muslim friend or acquaintance can be intimidating. In the video below, Dr. Matt Bennett, Assistant Professor of Missions and Theology at Cedarville University, shares 4 tips to follow when sharing the Gospel with someone from the Muslim faith. Pray for opportunities; the more you pray, the more opportunities you’ll discover! Present Jesus as the One who was anticipated by the prophets and the One to whom all other prophets point Use the...
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Posted in Apologetics MTS - Ministry

FNP Clinical Requirements: 3 Things You Need to Know

As you consider pursuing graduate education toward becoming a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP), it’s important that you ask the right questions to set yourself up for success. M.S.N. FNP programs require clinical hours for degree completion. Securing a clinical placement can be challenging and a source of stress for many students. There are three important questions you should consider as you plan to pursue graduate education toward becoming an FNP: 1. Is it possible to work full time while...
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Posted in MSN

Is a Master of Ministry Really Necessary? 3 Arguments Debunked

Is there value in pursuing further education in ministry? Is it worth the time and cost? Below we’ll look at three common arguments against starting graduate school in ministry, and discover why they just don’t hold up. “I’ll just learn as I go.” You will never be able to take the people you serve beyond where you have been. Apologetics, biblical theology, the nature of the church. These and many more are all things that people need to understand. You can’t teach what you don’t know. The...
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Posted in MTS - Ministry

5 Ways a Master of Business Administration Can Help Your Career

Pursuing a Master of Business Administration (MBA) is a significant investment of time and money. Is it worth it? The answer is most definitely, yes. Among others, earning an MBA offers you the following five professional and personal benefits. New career paths. By choosing a specialization or concentration, you may open yourself to a whole new career field. For example, Cedarville University’s online Master of Business Administration offers five in-demand concentrations. While you...
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Posted in MBA