Alumnotes: Send us your updates!
We love hearing from alumni and sharing your news with the Cedarville family through Alumnotes in Cedarville Magazine. We want to make sure your news is as complete and accurate as possible. We will accept alumni news in any form, but electronic submissions (using the form below) are preferred.
Issue Submission Deadlines
- Spring: December 15
- Summer: April 15
- Fall: August 15
If your news arrives after a deadline has passed, it will be processed along with other submissions for the next issue. Alumni & Parent Relations and the Cedarville University editorial team have full discretion regarding the presentation of alumni news and images in Cedarville Magazine.
Submission Guidelines
All announcements:
- Share how God is working in your life: ministry, employment, advanced degrees, family changes, etc.
- Provide full name (including maiden name, if applicable) and Cedarville graduation year for any alumni mentioned in the submission.
- Spell out acronyms — it isn’t always clear what they mean.
- Update your employment information (if desired).
- Tell us where you are living (city and state, if desired).
- Please DO NOT share any specific contact information (phone number, e-mail address, website, etc.) in your announcement.
Birth announcements:
- Provide the baby’s first and middle name.
- Include the birth date.
- Share sibling information, if desired.
Marriage announcements:
- Provide spouse’s name.
- Include wedding date.
- No engagements, please.
- Submit photos at the same time you send your announcement (separated photos can be difficult to identify and match with announcements).
- Photos should be in focus and have good contrast.
- All digital pictures must be a JPEG formatted image and be at least 900 pixels wide by 600 pixels tall. Generally, we recommend that you use a photo that was taken by at least a 2-megapixel camera.
- All photos are subject to review and will be published according to our discretion.
- Note that, due to low resolutions, photos must not be copied from a website.
- For professional photographs, we require written permission from the photographer in order to print in Cedarville Magazine.
- If you would like your photo returned, please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Your picture will be returned after the issue has been printed and mailed.
Other Submission Methods:
Phone: 1-888-CEDARVILLE (233-2784)
Alumni & Parent Relations
Cedarville University
251 N. Main St.
Cedarville, OH 45314