One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville
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Cedarville Magazine Archives

Spring 2024 – "The Value of a Cedarville Degree"

When many are questioning the value of higher education, what makes a Cedarville education priceless? Is it the economic benefit a college degree offers for students' lives? The first-rate career preparation and excellent academics? The spiritual sharpening that equips students to stand strong in their faith?

Cedarville's value is so much more than a degree - it's a life transformed for career success and Kingdom impact.

Fall 2023 – "Overcoming Darkness With Light"

Cedarville is equipping students to take the Gospel into some of the most difficult areas in our culture, including psychology, education, and the literary arts. We live in a time where our culture has abandoned biblical values, and our graduates our shining the light of Christ in the dark places.

Summer 2023 – "Cultivating Community"

We believe Christians should have more fun than anyone else on the planet, and that's why we focus on vibrant, joyful community that fosters friendships that last a lifetime.

Spring 2023 - "Called to Communicate"

We have the joy of communicating the greatest story ever told: the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Cedarville University is doing its part to equip disciples with the tools to communicate effectively and boldly for Christ.

Fall 2022 – "40 Years of Nursing"

In the past, present, and, Lord willing, long into the future, Cedarville University's School of Nursing will continue to produce nurses who serve God and others well.

Summer 2022 – "Investing in Transformation"

We have the privilege of preparing the next generation to influence culture and change our world for King Jesus. Scholarships make Cedarville's transformative education possible.

Highlighted Stories from the Summer 2022 Issue

Spring 2022 – "Called to Excellence"

Cedarville University is committed to pursuing excellence in everything we do, not for its own sake, but because excellence reflects the nature of our God and brings glory to Him.

Highlighted Stories from the Spring 2022 Issue

Fall  2021 – "One Thousand Days Transformed"

Join us in celebrating a $125 million campaign that will transform Cedarville. Dr. White announced One Thousand Days Transformed: The Campaign for Cedarville during his State of the University address on October 1. It was the kickoff to a homecoming weekend like no other.  

Campaign Brochure

Discover how One Thousand Days Transformed: The Campaign for Cedarville will change Cedarville’s facilities, accessibility, sustainability, and campus experience. In a time when culture is rapidly unraveling at the seams, the One Thousand Days campaign will help Cedarville stand strong for the Word of God and the Testimony of Jesus Christ. 

Summer 2021 – "A Season for Growth"

These are the days of warming temperatures in the Midwest, of trees greening with leaves, flowers blooming, and corn and soybeans popping out of the ground. Summer is also a unique time for growing in our walk with God, our relationships in the church, and our hospitality with neighbors. May you be encouraged and inspired as you consider the ways that Jesus is calling you to follow Him during this Season for Growth.

Alumnotes, Summer 2021

Alumnotes features special information for Cedarville University alumni and their updates, including professional news, weddings, births, and obituaries. Alumnotes is included as an insert in Cedarville Magazine for alumni recipients.

Highlighted Stories from the Summer 2021 Issue

Spring 2021 - "Preparing Educators, Making Disciples"

The School of Education is one of the oldest and largest schools at Cedarville, with 5,303 alumni and a 100% placement rate for graduates over the last three years. Dr. Kevin Jones, recently featured on the Cedarville Stories Podcast, is serving as the school’s new dean, and Dr. Lori Ferguson, as the new assistant dean. These two Great Commission educators are leading the School of Education into the 21st century, well-poised to prepare compassionate and professional educators who will span the globe living out and sharing the Gospel.

Alumnotes, Spring 2021

Alumnotes features special information for Cedarville University alumni and their updates, including professional news, weddings, births, and obituaries. Alumnotes is included as an insert in Cedarville Magazine for alumni recipients.

Highlighted Stories from the Spring 2021 Issue

Fall 2020 - "Caring Well. Staying Well."

This issue of the magazine highlights how God has been working in and through the Cedarville family during a global pandemic and cultural divide. From safely returning to campus for in-person classes, to stepping up to serve and care well for others, to affirming the value of every person, the Cedarville family has sought to honor God in the midst of challenges and give Him all the glory as He has led us through.

Alumnotes, Fall 2020

Alumnotes features special information for Cedarville University alumni and their updates, including professional news, weddings, births, and obituaries. Alumnotes is included as an insert in Cedarville Magazine for alumni recipients.

Highlighted Stories from the Fall 2020 Issue

Spring 2020 - "Business for the Glory of God"

This issue of Cedarville Magazine spotlights the School of Business Administration (SBA). Since 1959, the SBA has taught and mentored students into a view of business that emphasizes excellence, stewardship, leadership, and Kingdom influence. That focus will continue and grow as the SBA, one of Cedarville's largest schools, looks forward to developing students who influence the 21st-century marketplace for the Gospel.

Alumnotes, Spring 2020

Alumnotes features special information for Cedarville University alumni and their updates, including professional news, weddings, births, and obituaries. Alumnotes is included as an insert in Cedarville Magazine for alumni recipients.

Highlighted Stories from the Spring 2020 Issue

Fall 2019 - "Life-on-Life Discipleship"

Intentional. Transformative. Biblical. These words and more describe the 1,000 days of an undergraduate experience at Cedarville University. But at the heart of it all is the word that you’ll find at the core of the University mission statement: discipleship. From chapel to the classroom, from Callan Athletic Center to the residence halls, from Global Outreach to D-Groups, focused life-on-life investment for the Word of God and the Testimony of Jesus Christ is the hallmark of a Cedarville education. The Fall 2019 issue of Cedarville Magazine offers an in-depth profile of the University’s many-faceted commitment to the Great Commission command to “Go therefore and make disciples . . .”

Alumnotes, Fall 2019

Alumnotes features special information for Cedarville University alumni and their updates, including professional news, weddings, births, and obituaries. Alumnotes is included as an insert in Cedarville Magazine for alumni recipients.

Highlighted Stories from the Fall 2019 Issue

Summer 2019 - "A Vision for Future Faithfulness"

This issue of Cedarville Magazine walks through the ways that God is blessing the University. The 10-year campus master plan is the practical outworking of a vision for future faithfulness. This plan will change Cedarville’s campus, increase the scope of programs, and enlarge the University’s capacity to transform the lives of undergraduate and graduate students. Read more in the pages of this summer’s Cedarville Magazine.

Alumnotes, Summer 2019

Alumnotes features special information for Cedarville University alumni and their updates, including professional news, weddings, births, and obituaries. Alumnotes is included as an insert in Cedarville Magazine for alumni recipients.

Spring 2019 - "Chapel: The Heartbeat of Campus"

This issue of Cedarville Magazine celebrates the impact of chapel, or more importantly, how God has used this extraordinary hour of the day to transform lives for His glory and Kingdom purposes.

Alumnotes, Spring 2019

Alumnotes features special information for Cedarville University alumni and their updates, including professional news, weddings, births, and obituaries. Alumnotes is included as an insert in Cedarville Magazine for alumni recipients.

Highlighted Stories from the Spring 2019 Issue