One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

Vehicle Registration

All student and faculty/staff vehicles must be registered with Campus Security by requesting a parking permit. Registering your vehicle is an important part of our overall campus security plan and enables us to better protect our students, faculty, and staff. Vehicle registrations also allow Campus Security to alert you in the case of an incident or if a car must be moved due to construction or maintenance. The annual registration fee for cars is $50 (a 50% savings!) if registered by August 30, 2024 at 4:30 p.m., or $100 if registered after August 30. For a vehicle to be registered, the permit must be picked up at the Campus Security Office in the SSC and properly affixed to the lower driver's side front window.

Students who do not register their vehicles and properly affix the permit to their vehicle are subject to fines.

Parking Permits

Parking Enforcement

  • After August 30, 2024, all other violations, including unregistered cars and cars parked in the wrong lot or faculty/staff spaces, will be ticketed. Tickets are $50 per incident. ƒ
  • After repeated parking violations for failure to register the vehicle, a “boot” will be attached to the vehicle, making it undriveable until Campus Security is called.
  • Once owner is located, student will be required to pay a $250 fine, register the vehicle for $100 (if applicable), and pay any outstanding tickets.

Parking Enforcement FAQs


Visitor Parking

Visitors to campus may park on campus when displaying a Guest Parking Pass on the dashboard of the driver's side of your vehicle. If you were not sent a printable pass or given one at check-in, please stop by Campus Security in the upper level of the Stevens Student Center (next to the Information Center) to receive one.

Guests may park in any space on campus with the following exceptions:

  • Do not park in handicap spaces unless you have a state-issued handicap placard or license plate
  • Do not park in residential lots
  • Adhere to the 30-minute time limit on spaces marked for loading/unloading

If for some reason you receive a ticket, simply print your name and address on the back of the ticket and either drop it into campus mail (at the post office on the lower level of the Stevens Student Center) or turn it in at the Admissions Welcome Center. We will be glad to take care of the ticket for you.