One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

We strive for Cedarville to be a community that's prepared to respond to mental health emergencies, not only with Christlike compassion but also with a plan of action.

To learn how to respond to a mental health emergency, read through this mental health emergency action plan, which outlines three scenarios of increasing severity. The most helpful and effective response will depend on the severity of the situation; however, in each scenario, the plan involves noticing signs and symptoms, taking action to help, then following up.

Review the action plan carefully so you're equipped to help if a mental health emergency arises.

Call 911 immediately if life-threatening incidents have occurred.

Mental Health Emergency Action Plan

Scenario 1: Anxiety or Depression

1) Observe Signs and Symptoms

  • Absent from many classes or many missed assignments
  • Avoidance of social gatherings
  • Behavior is not their normal behavior (onset of anxiety, anger, or withdrawal)
  • Classwork that expresses disturbing thoughts or feelings
  • Eating less or more than normal
  • Excessive fear, worry, or paranoia
  • Expression of extreme negativity in conversation
  • Expression of significant life event or incident that may impact his or her ability to be a student
  • Unusual scars
  • Verbalized thoughts of being anxious/depressed
  • Withdrawing from activities they would normally enjoy

2) Take Action and Provide Help

  • Provide helpful resources and encourage the student to seek help.
    • Uwill hotline: 1-833-646-1526 (What is Uwill?)
    • Cedarville Counseling Services (CCS)
      • Walk-in hours: Monday and Thursday 1–4:30 p.m. in SSC 163
      • Contact CCS
    • Connect the student with RD, RA, local church, parents, written resources, etc.
  • Pray with the student.
  • If you notice signs or symptoms consistent with scenario 2 or 3, call Uwill so that the student can be evaluated.

Faculty: Complete a CARE report if you believe additional follow-up would be helpful or necessary. A CARE report allows the student's RD to follow up.

3) Follow Up With Next Steps

The student's RD may follow up within 72 hours. If you are still concerned, follow scenario 2 or 3.

    Scenario 2: Panic or Thoughts of Harm

    1) Observe Signs and Symptoms

    • Actively panicking
    • Student verbalizes thoughts of self-harm/suicide
    • Thoughts of harm to others

    2) Take Action and Provide Help

    If the student is actively panicking, you don’t need to call the Uwill hotline right away. Try to help them calm down:

    • Don’t make assumptions or be dismissive
    • Don’t panic
    • Encourage them that it will pass
    • Focus on breathing
    • Give the student space and time

    If no improvement is observed, have the student call Uwill at 1-833-646-1526.

    • If they don’t want to make the call themselves, call on their behalf.
    • Stay with the student until the call is complete.
    • If Uwill determines that the student needs medical attention, stay until help arrives.
    • If Uwill determines that emergency services aren't needed:
      • Students: Notify your RD of your interaction with the student.
      • Faculty: Complete a CARE report, which allows the RD to follow up.

    3) Follow Up With Next Steps

    The student's RD or the Dean of Men or Women will follow up within 24 hours. If you are still concerned, follow scenario 3.

    Scenario 3: Acute Suicide Risk

    1) Observe Signs and Symptoms

    • Access to lethal means
    • Saying they wish they were dead
    • Talking about a suicide plan

    2) Take Action and Provide Help

    Call 911 immediately if:

    • You see active bleeding that is the result of self-harm.
    • Life-threatening actions have occurred (overdose, student passes out, etc.).

    Call Uwill at 1-833-646-1526. Stay with the student until Uwill assesses them and determines if emergency services are needed.

    • If emergency services are needed:
      • Uwill will call EMS.
      • Stay with the student until help arrives.
    • If emergency services aren't needed:
      • Students: Notify your RD of your interaction with the student.
      • Faculty: Complete a CARE report, which allows the RD to follow up.

    Note: Cedarville Counseling Services (CCS) is available Monday–Friday from 8 a.m.–5 p.m., but there may be a wait to meet with a counselor if all counselors are in sessions. Please call Uwill or 911 first, as CCS is not equipped to serve as a crisis center.

    3) Follow Up With Next Steps

    The student's RD or the Dean of Men or Women will follow up within 24 hours.

    If the student is taken to the hospital:

    • Advise the student to call his or her parent(s) on the way.
    • Campus Security and the RD will inspect the student's residence hall room. Anything considered usable to harm oneself will be confiscated.
    • When the student is released back to campus, the RD will follow up the next business day.
    • The hospital may schedule an appointment with Cedarville Counseling Services.


    Print an action plan to keep for reference:

    What is Uwill?

    Uwill is a private hotline that connects callers to a licensed counselor equipped to handle emergencies within 30 seconds. Notes are kept for each call and sent to Cedarville Counseling Services.

    If needed, Uwill will dispatch 911, which will alert Cedarville University Emergency Medical Services (CUEMS).

    Uwill hotline: 1-833-646-1526

    Remember: Anyone can take action. Whether you're the one in crisis or the one helping someone in crisis, do not hesitate to call Uwill or take these action steps.