One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville
Printable Instructions


  1. Using your internet browser, go to the Printshop Pro Webdesk at the website
  2. Select REGISTER. Use your Cedarville Username and Password to log in.
  3. Fill in the registration form completely. For your "site address" use your building and room number. (i.e. SSC 140)
  4. After you submit your registration, you will receive a confirmation e-mail. Once your registration has been processed (allow 1 business day) you will be notified by e-mail and you can begin using the system.

Quick Copy

The Quick Copy option is for simple print jobs like exams, quizzes, syllabi, and documents that do not require paper changes, or binding (other than stapling). You can also choose color or black & white printing but if your job contains both you need to use the PRINT ORDER entry form instead of QUICK COPY.


Log in to the Print Shop Pro Webdesk using your University login credentials. Choose QUICK COPY from the navigation panel located on the left side of the screen.


This is where you will attach the file(s) that you want printed. Choose YES to add a file. Files will be converted to high resolution PDF’s when they are sent with the exception of files created in Quark, Microsoft Publisher, or GIF files. They will remain in their native format when sent unless you convert them to PostScript files prior to attempting to attach them at this window.

Attach Electronic FileSubmit File Attachments
Order Information


  • Order Information: Enter a name for your job here. (i.e. Psychology Exam 2 Fox) This will help you track the job later.
  • Order Category: Quick Copy
  • Paper Size: Select the size of the paper that the job will be printed on
  • # of Sets/Copies: This is the number of copies that you need us to make. On our former work order this was the center blank that asked for the # of Copies Needed.
  • Sheets per set: This is the actual count of physical sheets of paper in the finished product. On our former work order this was the first blank “# of pages in Original” with one important difference. If you are asking for a document to be copied back to back you will divide the number in half. For example, if you have 10 pages that you want to copy back to back, you would put the number 5 in this blank. In Step 3 you will indicate if this is to be copied back to back.


Main Paper Selection
  • 1 OR 2 Sided: Select here whether your job will be single sided or back to back.
  • Select Style: This is where you choose the type of paper (i.e. bond, text, index, cover). You will only see the papers available to you in the size that you chose in Step 3 and in the particular type you have currently selected. As you change the selection in this box the actual weights available in the next box will prefill. The higher the number, the heavier the weight. If you are not sure about what the weight is you don’t have to enter anything in the “select weight” box. The program knows what is available and will appropriately assign it later.
  • Black & White Copies or Color: Choose whether your prints will be color or black and white. You only have one option here. If you want to copy one side in color and the other side in black and white you will have to exit and use the PRINT ORDER option to do this.
  • Choose Color: Choose the color of paper.


Choose only if you need a front and/or back cover added. If you choose covers, Step 5 will be where you enter the paper type/color. This will also change the Step number from this point forward to one step higher than is indicated.



  • Collate: Is this job to be in sets as the illustration shows? If so check YES. If you prefer each page grouped into individual stacks choose NO.
  • Binding: The only binding available in Quick Copy is stapling. If none, choose none.
Hole Punch


The default is NONE but you have the option of 3 holes.

Cuts and Folds


Choose what is appropriate. The default is none.

Billing and Delivery


  • Contact & Phone: The default will be your name & phone
  • Site: This is your department name or the account name you are charging.
  • Account Number: Choose the account number which matches the account name above. You will only have access to accounts you are authorized to charge.
  • Date Needed: The default will be 24 hours from the date you are requesting the job for most work. If the job is not needed that quickly please choose another date
  • Delivery Action: Choose whether you want us to place the job in your box here or if you want it delivered by campus mail. ALL DELIVERED EXAMS WILL REQUIRE A SIGNATURE AND THEY ARE ONLY DELIVERED ON THE AFTERNOON PACKAGE ROUTE.


Approve Information for Attached

When you move to the next page a “soft proof” will pop up to show you what your document format looks like after the conversion process. YOU MUST HAVE POP UP BLOCKER TURNED OFF FOR THIS SITE IN ORDER FOR THE PROOF TO APPEAR. To do this go to “Tools” on your web browser, choose “Pop Up Blocker”, “Pop Up Blocker Settings”, and type “” (no quotes) where it asks for “address to allow”, and click “add”.

  • Proof: Make sure the formatting is ok on the proof. Close the proof and choose whether or not you are approving the file. If there are problems with the conversion you can select NO and the file will be transmitted in its original software format. You may also include any notes about the file here.
  • Job Summary: Last you will see a job summary. This summarizes everything from what file you attached to all of the other details about your work order. Check it to make sure it is correct before submit. You have the option of submitting the job now, saving the estimate or cancelling at this point.
  • Estimate: Keep in mind that the estimated cost is just that, estimated. If you have failed to properly communicate what we are doing to the file or if there are rush or labor charges they will be added later. You will be able to see any changes made to the job estimate after we process it.