One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville



  • Address for US Mail:

    [Your Name (no nicknames)]
    251 N. Main St. # [Your Personal Box # ]
    Cedarville, OH 45314

  • Street Address for UPS, FedEx, DHL, etc. Deliveries:

    First and last name (no nicknames)
    251 N. Main St. #[Your Personal Box#]
    Cedarville, OH 45314


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Mail Departure

Mail is sent out 6:30am and 1:30pm Monday-Friday.
The mail goes to the Cedarville Post Office (downtown) where it leaves at 4:30pm.

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Available Services


  • Priority and USPS packages (Shipping and Receiving)
  • Stamps for purchase
  • Full service addressing, barcoding, folding & inserting into envelopes. Call 937-766-4489 for more information to schedule your mailing.


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  • You may send packages USPS from the P.O.
    Bring your box/package ready to mail
  • UPS
    Accept packages with preprinted postage paid labels.
  • FedEx
    Packages picked up daily with preprinted, prepaid postage for personal use.
    Departments may prepare their FedEx mail online using the University Account Number. Contact the P.O. for further information.
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Intracampus Mail

  • All items must have First and Last Names with PO# written on them.
  • Do not mail items smaller than 3x5.
  • Do not use campus mail to:
    • Exchange books
    • Advertise
    • Send money (If you must, give the envelope to a clerk at the front window)
    • If you send more than five pieces at a time, it must be in box or numerical order and bundle your mail.


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    University Post Services Supervisor, Paula Adkins Contact via e-mail
    Postal & Print Services Manager, Tammy Slone Contact via e-mail

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