Award-Winning Poster Shows Pharmacy Progress
2018 Cedarville professional pharmacy grad Laura Sjoquist won a national award with her research.
Lives Changed by Spring Break Missions Trips
From refugees to inner-city youth, from remote villages to big cities, spring break was a time for serving others and sharing the Gospel.
One University, Many Nations: World Fair
March 29 event will put the spotlight on Cedarville's growing number of international students.
Cedarville and Beyond
Tech advancements take chapel and the Gospel worldwide.
Senior Pastor of Dynamic Life Baptist Ministries Speaking
Victor Clay's message will focus on the sufficiency of the Scriptures for every area of life.
In Closing: Chapel Changed My Life
Within a couple days on campus, God used Chapel to transform this year's senior class president forever.
MBA Certificates Provide Fast Path to Professional Growth
Cybersecurity management, healthcare administration or operations management certificates can be completed in seven to eight months.
Life Together
Daily chapel is the cornerstone of Cedarville's campus community.
Chapel: Platform for Presidents
Cedarville University presidents have prioritized daily chapel. They have maintained its importance in campus life.
Memorable Moments
Students attend hundreds of chapel services during their 1,000 days at Cedarville. Sometimes, however, God uses a particular message in a deep, meaningful way to speak to an individual student.
"God Revealed" Apologetics Conference With Dr. Albert Mohler
Event will explore the role of the Bible and creation in knowing God.
Training Ground
Faculty and staff intentionally invest in student chaplains to grow them as skilled communicators, but more than that, to help them have a maturing, transformative walk with Christ.