Ceremonies Honor Nursing Graduates
Hooding and pinning recognizes hard work of 128 graduates.

A New Milestone: 500th Graduate Degree
The Graduate School offering in-demand degrees and specializations.

Outstanding Model U.N. Delegation
This is the fourth out of the last five years Cedarville's team has earned this honor.

From Atheist to Servant Leader to Graduation
Graduating senior Kimberlyn Wideman has seen a powerful transformation during her 1,000 days at Cedarville.

Strong Showing for Cadets at West Point
Cedarville students place well among international, collegiate and West Point units.

First WAVE Class Heading for Graduation
Students who got a jump-start on college life ready for success at the next level.

College Meal Scans Turn Into Blessing for Local Charity
Fundraiser will convert dining hall scans into helpful resources for the Life Enrichment Center in Dayton.

New Guide Simplifies Personal Health and Conditioning
Dr. David Peterson's book originally written with U.S. Naval Academy midshipmen in mind.

Sunny Side Up: An Optimistic Book About Loving God
Dan DeWitt book explores the relationship between Jesus and Peter.

Hymn Sing Celebrates Traditional Songs of the Church
Participants will worship in song through the traditional church calendar.

Freedom to Flourish: Distinguish Alumnus Speaks on Entrepreneurship
Dick Blanc is the director of Cedarville's Entrepreneurship Accelerator Program.