Experiencing a Month of Poverty in Two Hours
School of Nursing will hold a Community Action Poverty Simulation on April 17.

Dancing Through the "Hills and Valleys"
Spring dance show will explore the up and down rhythms of life.

Cadets Prepare for Competition at West Point
Unit defeated larger teams from the Midwest to earn a place at military skills competition.

Historic Cedarville Woman Studied Worldwide
Journals of the Cedarville farmer's wife, whose children attended Cedarville College, have been downloaded in Turkey, Britain, Japan, and all over the United States.

Ebola Expert Speaking at School of Pharmacy Event
Dr. Matthew Groenewold served in Sierra Leone in 2015 as part of the international response to the West Africa Ebola epidemic.

Kyle and Christine Hoover Speaking in Chapel
Pastor and author speaking April 9 and 10.

Teaming Up to Fight Epidemics
Cedarville joining forces with other local universities on April 8 for influenza outbreak training.

2,000 MPG and Beyond
Shell Eco-marathon team pushing the boundary with ultra energy-efficient vehicle.

Students Receive Star-Studded Feedback in Songwriting Contest
Top three songs will be honored at the annual Hymn Sing on April 17.

Soaring Scores: Engineering Team Places Third in the Nation
Cedarville Aero Design team posts strong showing among some of the best aeronautical engineering schools in the U.S.

Leadership, Faith and Politics: Life in the Public Square
2010 grad has had a career path including the U.S. Congress, non-profit leadership, and political campaigns.

The Spitfire Grill - Musical in a Box
Story of redemption in a small Midwest town runs April 4-14