Cedarville AEI Executive Council welcomes Heritage Foundation economic expert
Romina Boccia will speak on the national debt in CU's Dixon Ministry Center recital hall at 7 p.m. on Nov. 2.

Colson Center president speaks in Cedarville University chapel
John Stonestreet will speak in chapel at Cedarville University on Nov. 3.

CU Women org exceeds fundraising goal to benefit foster children
CU Women organization exceeds its fundraising goal for foster children by more than $1,300.

Visiting professor Sam Allberry returns to Cedarville chapel
Sam Allberry will speak on Ephesians in chapel at Cedarville University on Nov. 1 - 2.

Father-son adventure hits Cedarville's campus
The Born to Be Brave tour is coming to Cedarville University on November 1.

Cedarville University hosts Reformation 500 celebration
CU will hold a fun and festive celebration in honor of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation on Tuesday, October 31.

Completed residence hall provides new community space
Cedarville's newest residence hall provides the campus' largest rooms, other amenities.

Education alumna recognized for excellence in Ukraine
Anya Izyumtseva, a 2013 Master of Education Cedarville graduate, was awarded “Teacher of the Year” by a university in the Ukraine.

Cedarville University hosts fourth annual Pharmacy Career Fair
Pharmacy students will have the opportunity to network and interview for jobs with major pharmaceutical companies and well-known health systems.

Cedarville bookstore hosts children's Halloween parade
Community children and families will be heading to Cedarville’s bookstore for the fourth annual Halloween parade and book reading.

CU student orphaned as teen receives foster care scholarship
Freshman Allie Eybers is Cedarville University's 2017-18 full-tuition foster care scholarship recipient.

Cedarville faculty and staff honored for years of service
Cedarville University recently honored 85 faculty and staff members for their many years of service to the institution.