Studio art professor creates permanent piece for Dayton Metro Library
Annie Lee-Zimerle created a three-part art installation for Dayton Metro Library's new Southeast branch.

School of Pharmacy ranked one of the most affordable options among private universities
Cedarville's Pharm.D. degree ranked 6th on list of most affordable private school pharmacy programs.

Cedarville welcomes Del Ray Baptist's Garrett Kell to chapel
Garrett Kell will speak in chapel on October 24 in conjunction with the 9Marks Pastors Conference.

Christian rapper Shai Linne speaks in Cedarville chapel
The Christian rapper and church planter will give his keynote talk during the 10 a.m. hour on Oct. 23 as part of the CU-hosted 9Marks pastors conference.

CU hosts 9Marks Conference to strengthen church leaders
More than 300 pastors and church leaders will be equipped to serve their churches and communities at the sixth annual 9Marks Pastors conference at Cedarville University on Oct. 23 & 24.

Cedarville students take part in civil rights bus tour
A group of students and faculty/staff from Cedarville will travel more than 2,000 miles with 10 members of two local churches to visit historic civil rights sites.

Community educators gather for Edcamp Cedarville
Cedarville’s school of education will host its sixth annual Edcamp Cedarville on October 28.

SNPhA chapter wins awards at national convention
Cedarville SNPhA chapter wins awards in its first full year of existence.

Cedarville welcomes ERLC's Andrew T. Walker to chapel
The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission's director of policy studies will speak in chapel on Wednesday, Oct. 18.

Worship majors volunteer at 2017 GMA Dove Awards
Nine worship majors will work at the award show thanks to new GMA Academy network.

Trustees approve new graduate certificate, pharmacy center, and increased scholarships
Trustees make several decisions during fall meetings.

Junior Jam draws hundreds of elementary students to Cedarville
Nearly 350 CU students will facilitate small groups, lead games, build relationships with visiting kids.