Larry Burkett Award Honors Alumnus Jason Alexander
In the world of finance, Larry Burkett was an inspirational leader who provided sage investment advice to individuals through his books and radio program. For Jason Alexander, Larry Burkett was a legend. When Kingdom Advisors awarded the prestigious Larry Burkett Award to Alexander at its annual conference in Orlando, Florida, he was truly honored and humbled.

128th Commencement: Another Record-size Graduating Class
The largest graduating class will celebrate and reflect on their academic accomplishments during Cedarville University’s 128th commencement on Saturday, May 4. This class of 995 graduates is comprised of 846 undergraduate and 149 graduate students, and it represents a 4.6% increase from last year’s class.

From Cedarville to Top-Tech Company: A Computer Science Major’s Journey to Google
What do you want to be when you grow up? For Joshua Thomas, a senior at Cedarville University, his answer was an engineer. His dream will become a reality on August 12, 2024, when he begins his career as a software engineer at Google.

Cedarville University Launches Pioneering Health Care Innovation Program
Staying on the cutting edge, Cedarville University launched a new healthcare innovation concentration in the Master of Arts in Innovation. Connecting creativity with problem-solving, the program equips students to create innovative healthcare solutions.

Taking Flight in Defense of Freedom
Amid the sea of graduates preparing to receive degrees at Cedarville University stand four young men committed to defending freedom. Thadeus Kreuger, Matthew Crum, Brent Whitley, and John Thomson are on their way to becoming pilots in the United States Air Force.

Cedarville Alumnus Shaping the Christian Movie Industry
“Unsung Hero” could be the next blockbuster Christian movie of our time. The movie released in theaters nationwide on Friday, April 26, reaching number 2 in box office sales. It is the story of the Smallbone family, which gave rise to Christian recording artists Rebecca St. James and For King and Country.
Embracing a Legacy of Adoptive Care
Adoption is not a foreign concept to Cedarville University junior Ashlyn DeVries. As a child, she knew that her maternal grandparents raised 14 children — all adopted. Her family’s legacy combined with her experiences on a university-sponsored trip to assist children’s homes in Mazatlán, Mexico, intensified her fire for adoption advocacy.

Open House and Student Exhibit at the International Center for Creativity
Students majoring in industrial and innovative design (IID) at Cedarville University spend their junior and senior years at the International Center for Creativity (ICC) in Columbus, Ohio, working on projects that can have a real-world impact. These students will showcase their work at a special open house on Friday, May 3.

Pharmacy Professor Awarded for Research
Dr. Aleda Chen, associate dean of the school of pharmacy at Cedarville University, was awarded the 2024 Rufus A. Lyman Award from the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP). This honor recognizes Chen’s 2023 research paper that was named the best published paper by the American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education (AJPE).

Bringing Light to the Silver Screen
In the often-murky world of Hollywood filmmaking, where violence, strong language, and other dark elements reign supreme, Parker Adams, a 2014 graduate of Cedarville University, is on a mission to illuminate the silver screen with hope and light. Witnessing the emerging efforts of Christian filmmakers during his student years, Parker knew he wanted to be a part of this transformative movement.
Creativity Sets Student Apart in Columbus Industrial Designer Society
In the heart of industrial innovation, one student’s creative prowess shines bright in Columbus. Nathan Gobrogge, a senior hailing from Oxford, Michigan, emerged as a standout contender in the Columbus Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA) Student Merit Awards Selection Night.

Beyond the Blueprints: Seniors Land Top Jobs
The success of an academic program can largely be determined by graduation rates, rankings and professors, but the true measure of success resides in the students.