Internship Leads to Capitol Hill Position
An unforeseeable promotion transformed Sage Shower’s Washington, D.C., internship from unforgettable to irreplaceable.

Simulators Prepare Students for Real Life
Simulations using realistic, interactive mannequins that can sweat, bleed, and make noises to prepare students for crisis scenarios without putting patients at risk.

Cedarville Stories: Singing for a President? Not Her Biggest Challenge
Beth Porter, Chair of the Department of Music and Worship, has the voice of an angel, the whistle of a cardinal, and a powerful story of forgiveness that sings God’s praise.

Student Designs May Transform Village
Cedarville residents seeking to enhance and revitalize downtown are turning to senior industrial and innovative design (IID) majors from Cedarville University for their fresh, innovative design proposals.

Yellow Jackets Help Bengals on Road to Super Bowl
This year's Super Bowl will draw millions of viewers worldwide. But for a Cedarville alumna and current student, they'll watch the game knowing they played a key role in the Cincinnati Bengals' championship season.

Growth Initiatives Highlight Cedarville Trustees Meeting
The Cedarville University board of trustees met on campus recently and made decisions that will continue the university on a trajectory of growth, energy, and excitement.

Cedarville Stories: Constant Coach, Unusual Journey
Rapper, basketball player, graduate student. Tytist Dean, MBA ’23 has a wide array of interests and talents. But there’s been one constant coach throughout his journey: Jesus.

Conference Reimagines Apologetics
Beyond the Stars, an apologetics conference to be held Thursday, Feb. 9-10 at Cedarville University, will feature singer-songwriter Andrew Peterson as keynote speaker and will explore the witness of the Christian imagination.

Professor Publishes Jesse Owens Biography
Authored by Dr. Kevin Jones, dean of the school of education, “Jesse Owens: A Life in American History” is now available through online retailers.

The Cove Director Honored
The Strategic Ohio Council for Higher Education (SOCHE) has presented Cedarville University’s Kim Ahlgrim, director of The Cove academic enrichment center, with a Staff Excellence Award for January 2022.

“Meet Me in St. Louis” Debuts February 3
Tickets are currently available online or by emailing the DeVries Theatre box office at devriestheatre@cedarville.edu.

Cedarville Stories Podcast: Marvelous Mayor Mays
2008 Cedarville alumna Sarah Mays is aMazing. She’s a Mom, a Mentor, and Multi-tasker supreme. That giant ‘S’ is spoken for, but there's a bright red 'M' ready for her super suit.