Friends for Life Rooted in Root Beer
Cedarville University alumnus Matt Dearden, now associate vice president for enrollment management at Cedarville, runs “the world’s premier root beer rating website” with his friends and fellow alums, Kevin Napp and Dave Stephens.

School of Education Pours Into Ohio Educators
As the School of Education continues to shape future educators, it’s also pouring into current ones by supporting, encouraging, and inspiring teachers and school districts around Ohio and beyond.

Students Changing Hearts and Minds Without Hands
In preschool, Marissa Conrad won awards for best handwriting in her class, which is more remarkable than you think since she has no hands. Now a sophomore at Cedarville University, Conrad has continued to push herself in every area of life.

Pharmacy Students in National Leadership Roles
Two students in Cedarville University’s Doctor of Pharmacy program were recently chosen for key leadership roles in the national pharmacy society Phi Lambda Sigma, also known as the Pharmacy Leadership Society.

Cedarville Stories Podcast: Risking Safety for God's Glory
In March 2020, Rachel Hartley, a 2015 B.S.N. and 2020 Master of Science in Nursing alumna, was serving as a preoperative surgical nurse in Lynchburg, Virginia. Then
everything changed. Learn more on the Cedarville Stories Podcast.

Sweet! Popular Food Blog Business Began as Homework Project
When Julie Clark graduated from Cedarville University, she expected to be a teacher. Little did she know that her "students" would be learning how to create desserts and breakfast specialties through her family business food blog, Tastes of Lizzie T.

4th-Grade Letter Leads to Dream College
Arielle Wenig, a senior social work major, had Cedarville University on her radar for a very long time.

Professor's Painting Is Picture-Perfect Christmas Card
Emeritus senior professor of music Dr. Chuck Clevenger is known around Cedarville University for his 33 dedicated years of service and his exceptional instruction in piano and composition. But he is also an accomplished watercolorist.

Student Business Donates All Proceeds to Local Nonprofit
Business students are selling a clothing line focused on reaching the one, selling merchandise off-campus, and donating all proceeds to One Bistro café in Xenia.

Students Serve Patients at Community Grocery Store
The Cedarville chapter of the Student National Pharmaceutical Association has been providing free healthcare screenings to customers at Dayton’s Gem City Market.

More High Schoolers Begin Their 1,000 Days With Dual Enrollment
Cedarville University has experienced 15-consecutive years of record enrollment, and dual-credit high school students have become a growing part of the boom. Last fall, 567 dual enrollment students were part of the record enrollment of 4,715.

Climbing Higher: Engineers Ready to Launch Subscale Rocket
Students from the Cedarville University School of Engineering and Computer Science are preparing to launch a subscale rocket as the next stage in their NASA competition experience.