A Job Well Done: Honoring Retiring Professors
Faculty to be recognized include Dr. Dennis Flentge, senior professor of chemistry; Mark Klimek, associate professor of nursing; Dr. Bill Ragle, professor of finance; and Linda Cave, assistant professor of nursing; and former nursing faculty member, Connie Ford.

Chapel Pointe Pastor and Author Speaking
Joel Wayne, the lead pastor of Chapel Pointe Church in Hudsonville, Michigan, will speak in chapel at Cedarville University on April 13.

Cedarville Stories Podcast: Met by Christ in Her Despair
Certain dates carry powerful significance. For Gerry Walquist, December 30, 2013, is one of those days, with a bullet point. That's because, nearly eight years ago on the eve of New Year’s Eve, Gerry’s world was turned upside down.

Romans 14 Forum Discusses Differences, Seeks Unity
Cedarville University’s history and government department will host the first-ever Romans 14 Forum on April 10 at 6 p.m. in the Center for Biblical and Theological Studies, room 115.

Society of Women Engineers Hold Destiny Rescue 5K/10K On Saturday
Destiny Rescue works in seven countries, including the United States, to locate and offer freedom to children trapped in sexual trafficking

Keeping the Gospel First: Student Podcast Addresses Faith and Politics
Benjamin Mays and Jonny Gartner are committed to discussing current issues on the common ground found in Jesus Christ.

"Silent Sky" Explores Intersection of Faith and Science
"Silent Sky" will open Thursday, April 8, and close Sunday, April 18. Tickets can be purchased at the Stevens Student Center ticket office.

Blood Drive Looks for COVID Antibodies
The Red Cross blood drive will take place in the Stevens Student Center event rooms 240 and 241, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. To register, participants can visit RedCrossBlood.org (sponsor code: CU).

Cedarville Stories Podcast: Passing Along His Father's Love for the Word
Dr. Chris Miller, Senior Professor of Biblical Studies, loves to pass along his love of the Scriptures. It's a passion that began with his dad, who was an avid student of the Bible. Chris seeks to honor his dad's devotion by the way he teaches at Cedarville.

Good Friday Experience: Reflecting Around Cedar Lake
At 3 p.m. on Friday, the bells in the Dixon Ministry Center chimed 33 times to mark the 33 years of Jesus’ life.

Fundraising Division Adds Two Leaders to Professional Team
Cedarville University has hired Dr. Will Smallwood and Diana Perkey for key roles within its institutional advancement division.

Model UN Team Excels in Virtual Contest; Looks to National Contest
The Model United Nations team at Cedarville University excelled at a Dayton, Ohio, regional conference in early February, where it competed against several larger universities, including Wright State University and the University of Dayton.