Can I reserve a room for my roommate?
Yes, each registered student and deposited new student will be given a unique housing code. Your desired roommate can give you their code so that you can register both yourself and them in the actual room you are selecting. This system allows for a student to request a roommate with a different classification as long as both students are registered (i.e. a senior can select a sophomore, a sophomore can select a new student, etc.)
You can use exactly one roommate code. Once you've used that roommate code, you can choose to move to a different room, and bring that same person along, but you are not able to bring someone new to the room you moved to.
Can I select a room without selecting a roommate?
Yes, but if you select a room without selecting a roommate, another student (new or continuing) will be able select the available bed.
What if there isn't an open room available for my roommate and me?
Since housing selections for new students are based on reservation deposit, it is possible that there may not be an open room with two available beds. You can browse for an open room in another residence hall or select available rooms near each other.
What if I can't get into the residence hall I want?
There is no wait list once residence halls are filled. However, you are welcome to browse housing online periodically to see whether there are new openings.
Should I select a specific residence hall based on my major, class, or interests?
Cedarville has a distinct and positive residence life culture. While each residence hall has its own personality, students of all majors, classes, and interests live and learn together.
What if I want to be housed on a hall with my friends?
You should coordinate with your friends to select the same residence hall and RA that you would like to be with and reserve rooms nearby.
Will I be able to know who is already in the hall I am selecting?
Yes, when selecting a room you will be able to see the student name and classification for each room that has already been selected.
How will I know the RA that will be in each hall?
RA selections and locations are identified so that you can select your hall assignment accordingly.
What if I want to make a change to my housing after I have already selected my assignment?
You will be able to go back and make changes to your own housing assignment as needed until June 15. You will not be able to make room changes for your selected roommate. While you can select a room for your roommate initially, any changes to a room assignment
will need to be made by the individual requesting a change. After June 15, contact residence life for any room changes.
How do I know for sure when my housing is confirmed?
Your housing is immediate but you can make a change online until June 15. After that, your housing is confirmed unless you work through residence life.