One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

Discover Johnson Hall!

Johnson Hall is located next to Brock Hall and is attached to our brother dorm, St. Clair Hall. Close to 130 female students live in Johnson, predominantly upperclassmen with some freshmen and sophomores mixed in. There is a coed lounge that is shared with St. Clair Hall. Johnson itself has two female-only lounges, one with a TV and the other for quiet studying. There is a laundry room on the main floor. Johnson is a hall-style dorm, with two community restrooms on each floor.


  • Twin XL Bed

  • TV Lounge

  • Style - Hall

  • Study Room

  • Laundry Facility

  • Gender - Female

  • Game Room

  • Furnished

  • Elevator

Sample Room

Pannellum 2.5.6


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  • Johnson Room Layout

    Room Layout

    View the room layout and dimensions for a sample room in this residence hall.
    View the dimensions
Photo of Kylie Taylor

Kylie Taylor

Resident Director for Johnson and Wood

Education: Bachelor of Arts in Primary Education with Bible minor, Cedarville University
Hometown: Cedarville, OH
Hobbies: Playing games with my friends and family, watching TV shows, playing volleyball, singing, drinking coffee, going to fun and new places to eat, especially while traveling
Favorite Books: Biographies, Well-Watered Women, The Noticer, Hearts of Fire by Voice of the Martyrs, Gospel Primer, and my middle school favorite: the Among the Hidden series
Favorite Place: Utah
Favorite Snacks: Popcorn, fresh lemonade, Pringles, potato chips with french onion dip, and Snyder's honey mustard and onion pretzels (I love savory snacks)