Welcome Back to Cedarville University! — 8/21/2023
Our first chapel of the 2023-24 academic year is led by Cedarville University's President, Dr. Thomas White.
Senior Chapel - 4/26/2023 — 4/26/2023
Today's chapel honors Cedarville University's Senior Class. Drs. Chris Miller and Ronni Kurtz share their thoughts with the graduating seniors.
SGA Chapel - 4/25/2023 — 4/25/2023
Today's chapel is led by Cedarville University's Student Government Association.
The Lord is Good: Psalm 145 — 4/24/2023
Dr. Thomas White, President of Cedarville University, concludes the series in the Book of Psalms, entitled "The Lord is Good". Speaking from Psalm 145, Dr. White declares that everything that has breath must praise the Lord, because the Lord is good, and His steadfast love endures forever.
A Warrior's Last Message: "We Will Serve the Lord" — 4/21/2023
Today's speaker is Lt. General (Ret.) Loren Reno, Senior Advisor to the President at Cedarville University. Speaking from Joshua 24:14-28, General Reno challenges us to choose to serve the Lord above all else.
Jesus is Better: Hebrews 13:18-25 — 4/20/2023
Today's speaker is Dr. Josh Bowman, Assistant Professor of Missions and Theology at Cedarville University. Dr. Bowman concludes the series in the Book of Hebrews, entitled "Jesus is Better". He shows us from Hebrews 13:18-25 how we are equipped in Christ to do His will.
Praise Chapel - 4/19/2023 — 4/19/2023
Today's Praise Chapel is led by the Worship Practicum class of Cedarville University.
The Secret Sauce of Life — 4/18/2023
Today's speaker is Dr. Jeremy Westbrook, Executive Director-Treasurer of The State Convention of Baptists in Ohio. Dr. Westbrook gives four principles for how we can discover our mission in the will of God. His text is Nehemiah 1:1-4; 2:1-8.
The Lord is Good: Psalm 100 — 4/14/2023
Today's All-Access chapel speaker is Dr. Thomas White, President of Cedarville University. Speaking from Psalm 100, Dr. White teaches that we should worship the Lord joyfully.
Jesus is Better: Hebrews 13:1-17 — 4/13/2023
Today's speaker is Dr. Jon Wood, Vice President for Student Life and Christian Ministries at Cedarville University. Dr. Wood shares numerous ways in which we must offer ourselves as a sacrifice to God, as found in Hebrews 13:1-17.
Retirement Chapel — 4/12/2023
Today's chapel honors three faculty members who are retiring from Cedarville University.
Praise Chapel - 4/11/2023 — 4/11/2023
Today's praise chapel is led by Cedarville University's Department of Music and Worship.
SGA Chapel - 4/10/2023 — 4/10/2023
Today's chapel is led by Cedarville University's Student Government Association. Isaac Shaw, Jr., a graduate student in the M.Div. program, delivers a message from 1 Peter 1:3-9. He encourages us with the basis, outcome, and posture of our hope in the risen Christ.
Jesus is Better: Hebrews 12:18-29 — 4/6/2023
Today's speaker is Dr. Ronni Kurtz, Assistant Professor of Theology at Cedarville University. Dr. Kurtz compares the two mountains described in Hebrews 12:18-29, and shows the beauty and power of the Gospel.
The Church as the Means and Ends of Missions — 4/5/2023
Today's speaker is Nate Akin, Executive Director of The Pillar Network. Mr. Akin teaches from Acts 13 & 14 that the starting and strengthening of the church is central to the Great Commission.
Why the Local Church Matters — 4/4/2023
Today's speaker is Dr. Mickey Klink, Senior Pastor at Hope Church in Roscoe, IL. Pastor Klink implores us to engage in the gathering of believers who have been adopted into the family of Jesus Christ, the local church.
The Lord is Good: Psalm 23 — 4/3/2023
Today's speaker is Dr. Thomas White, President of Cedarville University. Dr. White invites us to see the goodness and mercy of the Lord in the protection and provision of the good Shepherd and gracious Host. His text is Psalm 23.
Freshman Class Chapel - 3/31/2023 — 3/31/2023
Today's chapel is led by Cedarville University's Freshman class. Class Chaplain Ethan Foster teaches from Romans 12:1-3 that we must die to self, renew our minds, and be humble.
Our Only Logical Response — 3/30/2023
Today's speaker is Dr. Tommy Kiker, Lead Pastor of East Leesville Baptist Church in Leesville, LA. Speaking from Romans 11:33 - 12:2, Dr. Kiker encourages us to offer ourselves as living sacrifices to God, in response to His mercy and grace toward us.
Praise Chapel - Matt Papa — 3/29/2023
Today's praise chapel is led by songwriter, worship leader and author, Matt Papa.