One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

Senior Class Chapel - 1/20/2023 — 1/20/2023

Today's chapel is led by Cedarville University's Senior Class. Chaplain Justin Schlatmann gives a message entitled, "Faith and Works", from James 2:14-26.

God's Heart for the Sexually Broken — 1/19/2023

Today's speaker is Trent Griffith, Vice President of Content Development for FamilyLife. Speaking from Acts 8:26-40, Mr. Griffith shares that no matter how broken we are, the Gospel of Jesus can bring about a complete conversion, and a new identity in Christ.

Andrea's Story: The Great Exchange — 1/18/2023

Today's speaker is Andrea Griffith, speaker and writer with FamilyLife. Mrs. Griffith shares her personal testimony, and relates that when we confess and forsake our sin, God runs toward us with mercy.

The Lord is Good: Psalm 96 — 1/17/2023

Today's speaker is Dr. Thomas White, President of Cedarville University. Dr. White declares from Psalm 96 that we must worship the Lord who created, reigns and will judge the world.

SGA Chapel - 1/13/2023 — 1/13/2023

Today's chapel is led by Cedarville University's Student Government Association. Speaking from Mark 8:27-38, SGA Chaplain Isaiah Estepp urges us to see Jesus rightly, so we will follow Him rightly.

Global Outreach 50th Celebration — 1/12/2023

Today's chapel is a special celebration of the 50 years of Global Outreach at Cedarville University.

What is Your Ambition? — 1/12/2023

This evening's GO Conference speaker is Zane Pratt, Vice President for Assessment/Deployment and Training with the International Mission Board. Speaking from Romans 15:14-24, Mr. Pratt urges us to consider laying Gospel foundations where none yet exist.

Romans 10 — 1/11/2023

Today's GO Conference speaker is Zane Pratt, Vice President for Assessment/Deployment and Training with the International Mission Board. Mr. Pratt lays out the Apostle Paul's systematic presentation of the Gospel, and explanation and necessity of missions, as found in Romans 10:1-17.

To The Ends of The Earth — 1/11/2023

This evening's GO Conference speaker is Zane Pratt, Vice President for Assessment/Deployment and Training with the International Mission Board. Mr. Pratt gives the nature and scope of the task of bringing The Gospel of Jesus to the nations, and the role of the Holy Spirit in the process. His text is Acts 1:1-11.

The Great Commission — 1/10/2023

Today's GO Conference speaker is Zane Pratt, Vice President for Assessment/Deployment and Training with the International Mission Board. Speaking from Matthew 28:16-20, Mr. Pratt explains what we are to do in the area of missions, and by what authority we are to do it.

SGA Chapel - 12/9/2022 — 12/9/2022

Today's final chapel of the fall semester is led by Cedarville University's Student Government Association. Chaplain Isaiah Estepp teaches from Mark 7 that only Christ can cleanse us of our sin, so we must trust in Him alone for our cleansing.

live@ten — 12/8/2022

Today's chapel is a live@ten chapel led by the Student Government Association of Cedarville University.

Discerning the Will of God - Part 2 — 12/7/2022

Dr. Mike Fabarez concludes his 2-day series, giving principles for seeking God's wisdom regarding His will. Dr. Fabarez serves as Senior Pastor at Compass Church in Aliso Viejo, CA.

Discerning the Will of God - Part 1 — 12/6/2022

Today's speaker is Dr. Mike Fabarez, Senior Pastor at Compass Church in Aliso Viejo, CA. Pastor Fabarez begins a 2-day series helping us to understand what it means to find, and submit to, God's will for our lives. His text is Acts 16:6-10.

The Lord is Good: Psalm 136 — 12/5/2022

In today's message from Psalm 136, Dr. Thomas White declares that the steadfast love of the Lord endures forever. Dr. White serves as President of Cedarville University.

Christmas Chapel — 12/2/2022

Today's Christmas Chapel is led by Cedarville University's Music Department.

Jesus is Better: Hebrews 8:1-13 — 12/1/2022

Speaking from Hebrews 8:1-13, Dr. Kevin Jones proclaims that we can trust in God's promises. Dr. Jones serves as Dean of the College of Education at Cedarville University.

The Lord is Good: Psalm 73 — 11/29/2022

Today's speaker is Dr. Thomas White, President of Cedarville University. Dr. White teaches from Psalm 73 that in this wicked world, we take refuge in our ever-present God and the hope of eternity.

Thanksgiving Praise Chapel — 11/22/2022

Today's Thanksgiving Praise Chapel is led by Cedarville University's Worship Department.

Jesus is Better: Hebrews 7:1-28 — 11/21/2022

Today's speaker is Dr. J. Michael McKay, Director of Online Graduate Programs (SBTS) and Assistant Professor of Biblical Theology at Cedarville University.