HeartSong Live Praise Chapel — 4/5/2022
Today's praise chapel is led by HeartSong of Cedarville University.
The Parable of the Forgiving Father — 4/4/2022
Today's speaker is Dr. Thomas White, President of Cedarville University. Looking at the parable of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15:11-32, Dr. White asks if we will accept the Father's loving invitation to receive forgiveness and eternal joy.
SGA Chapel - 4/1/2022 — 4/1/2022
Today's chapel is led by Cedarville University's Student Government Association. SGA Chaplain Justin Schlabach teaches that through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can kill sin, and live Christ-like lives. His text is Galatians 5:16-26
Believe: John 18 — 3/31/2022
Today's speaker is Dr. Ched Spellman, Assistant Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies and Lead Developer of Online Bible Programs at Cedarville University. Dr. Spellman directs our attention to the speech and silence of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, found in John 18.
Living on Mission - Part 2 — 3/30/2022
Today's speaker is Dr. Kevin Ezell, President of the North American Mission Board. Dr. Ezell concludes his 2-day series, urging us to be faithful and steadfast in our calling, knowing that God is with us.
Living on Mission - Part 1 — 3/29/2022
Today's speaker is Dr. Kevin Ezell, President of the North American Mission Board. Speaking from Acts 13, Dr. Ezell exhorts us to be obedient to the Lord in our calling to reach the lost for Christ.
Freshman Class Chapel - 3/28/2022 — 3/28/2022
Today's chapel is led by Cedarville University's Freshman Class. Class Chaplain Luke Hoover declares from Romans 3:21-31 that though our sin is great, our Savior is greater.
The Parables of the Lost Sheep, Lost Coin, and Lost Son — 3/25/2022
Today's CU Friday speaker is Dr. Thomas White, President of Cedarville University. Speaking from Luke 15:1-24, Dr. White teaches that Heaven rejoices when sinners repent.
Believe: John 17 — 3/24/2022
Today's speaker is Dr. John Tarwater, Associate Professor of Finance at Cedarville University. Dr. Tarwater continues the series entitled, "Believe: The Gospel of John". Speaking from chapter 17, Dr. Tarwater focuses on the different aspects of Jesus' High Priestly prayer.
Praise Chapel - 3/23/2022 — 3/23/2022
Today's Praise Chapel is presented by the Worship Practicum Class at Cedarville University.
Tornadoes, Trains, and A Temple: How God Equips For Gospel Advance — 3/22/2022
Today's speaker is Dr. Will Smallwood, Vice President for Advancement at Cedarville University. Speaking from 1 Chronicles 22:11-13, Dr. Smallwood teaches that when God calls us to a task, He gives us the means necessary to accomplish it.
SGA Chapel - 3/21/2022 — 3/21/2022
Today's chapel is led by the Student Government Association at Cedarville University. SGA Chaplain Justin Schlabach teaches from Galatians 5:2-15 that the Gospel frees us to live like Jesus, by loving one another.
The Parable of the Friend at Midnight — 3/18/2022
Today's All-Access Day chapel speaker is Dr. Thomas White, President of Cedarville University. Dr. White continues his "Ears to Hear" series, speaking from Luke 11:5-13. He teaches that we should pray frequently, boldly, and expectantly.
A Look into Heaven — 3/17/2022
Today's speaker is Dr. Paul Chitwood, President of the International Mission Board. Speaking from Revelation 7:9-10, Dr. Chitwood urges us to share the message of the Gospel of salvation to those that have not yet heard.
Listen Up — 3/16/2022
Today's speaker is Joel Wayne, Lead Pastor of Chapel Pointe in Hudsonville, Michigan. Listen as Pastor Wayne shares 5 warnings against apostasy from Hebrews 5:11-14.
Prayer Chapel — 3/15/2022
Let us worship our Lord during this Prayer Chapel presented by the Worship Practicum Class at Cedarville University.
Believe: John 16 — 3/14/2022
Today's speaker is Dr. Billy Marsh, Director of MDiv Programs and Assistant Professor of Theology at Cedarville University. Speaking from John 16, Dr. Marsh encourages us with the knowledge that Christian peace is foremost a person, not a principle; Christ is our peace.
Praise Chapel - Jubilate — 3/3/2022
Today's Praise Chapel is presented by Cedarville University's Jubilate ministry team.
Strength for the Journey — 3/2/2022
Today's speaker is Chip Bernhard, Lead Pastor at Spring Creek Church in Pewaukee, Wisconsin. Pastor Bernhard teaches from Isaiah 40:28-31 that we gain strength from Lord when we look to Him eagerly, and lean into Him expectantly.
The Joy of the Lord is Your Strength — 3/1/2022
Today's speaker is Chip Bernhard, Lead Pastor at Spring Creek Church in Pewaukee, Wisconsin. Pastor Bernhard reminds us from Nehemiah 8:10 that we get our strength from knowing that God knows and loves us, and from the nourishment His Word provides.