One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

How to Fight Our Battles - Part II — 1/26/2022

Dr. James Hilton continues his 2-day series from 2 Chronicles 20, teaching us that when we are consumed by worry and discouragement, we can use praise as a weapon to enter the presence of God. Dr. Hilton serves as Lead Pastor at The Journey in Orange City, Florida.

How to Fight Our Battles - Part I — 1/25/2022

Today's speaker is Dr. James Hilton, Lead Pastor at The Journey in Orange City, Florida. Dr. Hilton reminds us to keep our focus on God when we face fear and anxiety. His text is 2 Chronicles 20:1-12.

Believe: John 12 — 1/24/2022

Today's speaker is Dr. Matthew Bennett, Assistant Professor of Missions and Theology at Cedarville University. Speaking from John 12, Dr. Bennett challenges us to consider how we will respond to our rescuer, Jesus Christ.

Senior Class Chapel - 1/21/2022 — 1/21/2022

Today's chapel is led by Cedarville University's Senior Class. Speaking from Romans 10:5-17, Class chaplain Philip Gammie declares that salvation is from our God, and all must hear and confess.

Believe: John 11 — 1/20/2022

Listen as Dr. Kevin Jones proclaims God's love and power from John 11. Dr. Jones serves as Dean of the School of Education at Cedarville University.

Praise Chapel - 1/19/2022 — 1/19/2022

During today's Praise Chapel, we are led in songs from the last 50 years of church music.

The Parable of The Invited Guests and The Wedding Feast — 1/18/2022

Today's speaker is Dr. Thomas White, President of Cedarville University. Speaking from Luke 14:7-14, Dr. White teaches that the Christian life should be marked by humility and generosity.

SGA Chapel - 1/14/2022 — 1/14/2022

Today's chapel is led by the Student Government Association of Cedarville University. Speaking from Galatians 3:26 - 4:7, SGA Chaplain Justin Schlabach teaches that Christ redeemed us so that we could be sons and daughters of God.

Christmas Chapel — 12/3/2021

Today's Christmas Chapel is led by the Cedarville University Department of Music.

Believe: John 10 — 12/2/2021

Dr. Randy McKinion invites us to find abundant life by following the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ. His text is John 10. Dr. McKinion serves as Professor of Old Testament at Cedarville University.

The Nature of True Faith — 12/1/2021

Today's speaker is Nate DeRochie, Master of Divinity Preaching Award winner. Mr. DeRochie takes a look at the faith of Rahab, found in Joshua 2:8-14.

The Parable of the Fig Tree — 11/30/2021

Today's speaker is Dr. Thomas White, President of Cedarville University. Speaking from Luke 13:6-9 and Matthew 7:15-20, Dr. White teaches that genuine Christians should produce spiritual fruit.

Thanksgiving Praise Chapel — 11/23/2021

Today's Thanksgiving Praise chapel is led by the Department of Worship at Cedarville University.

Believe: John 9 — 11/22/2021

Dr. Dan DeWitt continues the series entitled, "Believe: The Gospel of John", speaking from John 9. Dr. DeWitt serves as Director of the Center for Biblical Apologetics and Public Christianity, and Associate Professor of Applied Theology and Apologetics at Cedarville University.

SGA Chapel - 11/19/2021 — 11/19/2021

Today's chapel is led by the Student Government Association at Cedarville University. SGA Chaplain Justin Schlabach teaches that through faith in the promise of Christ, we are now united as the one family of God. His text is Galatians 3:15-26.

Dr. Murray Murdoch Retirement Service — 11/18/2021

Today's chapel honors Dr. Murray Murdoch, Distinguished Professor of History and Government, for his 56 years of faithful service to Cedarville University.

Worship Chapel - Michael O'Brien — 11/17/2021

Today's worship chapel is led by musician and worship leader, Michael O'Brien.

Senior Class Chapel - 11/16/2021 — 11/16/2021

Today's chapel is led by Cedarville University's Senior Class. Class chaplain Philip Gammie exhorts us to forsake the flesh, and hold fast to the Spirit. His text is Romans 8:1-17.

The Parable of the Ten Virgins — 11/15/2021

Today's speaker is Dr. Thomas White, President of Cedarville University. Speaking from Matthew 25:1-13, Dr. White urges us to be prepared for the return of Christ.

Sophomore Class Chapel - 11/12/2021 — 11/12/2021

Today's chapel is led by Cedarville University's Sophomore Class. Speaking from Joshua 7, Class Chaplain Isaiah Estepp urges us to see who God reveals Himself to be, and to be confronted with the condition of man.