One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

SGA Chapel - 10/9/2020 — 10/9/2020

Today's chapel is led by the Student Government Association of Cedarville University. SGA Chaplain, Cam Sardano, encourages us from Colossians 1:24 - 2:5 to make much of Christ by suffering, proclaiming, and struggling by His grace for others' sake.

Worship Chapel - 10/7/2020 — 10/7/2020

Today's Worship Chapel proclaims the living hope we have in our resurrected Savior, Jesus Christ, as found in 1 Peter 1:3-9. Today's chapel is led by HeartSong of Cedarville University.

Do You See? — 10/6/2020

Today's speaker is Kathleen Shanks, Executive Director for New Path Pregnancy Resource Centers. Mrs. Shanks shares the story of Jesus, Simon, and the woman with the alabaster box found in Luke 7:36-50 to encourage us to see clearly, love biblically, and act decisively about the sanctity of human life.

Gospel Perspectives on Race, Unity, and Biblical Justice — 10/5/2020

Today's panel discussion on racism is led by Sarah Gump, Digital and Social Media Manager, Dr. Kevin Jones, Dean of the School of Education, Dr. Mark Owens, Assistant Professor of New Testament Theology, and Dr. Josh Kira, Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Theology at Cedarville University.

State of the University Address — 10/2/2020

In our annual State of the University address, Dr. Thomas White recounts many ways that the Lord has blessed Cedarville University.

Stop Pursuing Greatness — 10/1/2020

Today's Alumni Week speaker is Asheritah Ciuciu, best-selling author and speaker. Mrs. Ciuciu encourages us from Jeremiah 45:5 to seek God's glory, rather than our own.

Christ is Above All — 9/30/2020

During this Alumni Week chapel, Dr. Paul Dixon, Chancellor of Cedarville University, proclaims the supremacy of Jesus Christ. Christ is above all because of His creation, birth, death, and resurrection. Dr. Dixon's text is John 3:31.

God Knows the Plans He Has For Me — 9/29/2020

Today's Alumni Week speaker is Dr. Pam Johnson, Dean of Undergraduate Studies at Cedarville University. Dr. Johnson shares her testimony of the leading of God in her life to bring her to salvation.

Worship Chapel - 9/28/2020 — 9/28/2020

Today's Alumni Week chapel is a worship chapel led by HeartSong of Cedarville University, focusing on the glory of God.

SGA Chapel - 9/25/2020 — 9/25/2020

Student Government Association Chaplain, Cam Sardano, continues his "Walk in Christ" series, bringing a message from Colossians 1:15-23. He invites us to behold Jesus Christ, the Supreme Son, and to build our lives upon Him.

Needy and Needed — 9/24/2020

Today's speaker is Dr. Jeremy Kimble, Director of the Center for Biblical Integration at Cedarville University. Dr. Kimble uses several passages in 2 Corinthians to teach that God shows His power through our weakness.

Worship Chapel - 9/23/2020 — 9/23/2020

Today's Worship Chapel is led by the Student Government Association Band, and reminds us of the truth of the Gospel found in God's Word.

Becoming the Pro-Life Generation: Putting to Death Child Sacrifice, Abortion, and Sexual Immorality — 9/22/2020

Today's speaker is Dr. Michael Sherr, Chair and Professor of Social Work at Cedarville University. Using Colossians 3:1-5, Dr. Sherr implores us to go to God's Word for guidance in all areas of life, and to put to death all forms of sexual immorality, sin, and idolatry.

Striving Together for the Faith of the Gospel - Philippians 1:27-30 — 9/21/2020

Dr. Thomas White encourages us from Philippians 1:27-30 to live in a manner worthy of the Gospel. Dr. White serves as President of Cedarville University.

Junior Class Chapel - 9/18/2020 — 9/18/2020

Justin Schlabach encourages us from Matthew 11:25-30 that because of Jesus' gentle invitation, we can be brought into true rest. Today's chapel is led by the Junior Class of Cedarville University.

Behaviors That Threaten Persevering in the Faith — 9/17/2020

Today's speaker is Dr. John Tarwater, Associate Professor of Finance at Cedarville University. Dr. Tarwater brings a message from the Book of Jude, in which the writer encourages Christians to persevere in their faith by remembering how God has acted in the past.

Worship Chapel - 9/16/2020 — 9/16/2020

Today's Worship Chapel turns our attention to the Gospel that brings life, and is presented by HeartSong of Cedarville University.

From the Heart - Matthew 18 — 9/15/2020

Listen as Dr. Chris Miller explores Jesus' sermon in Matthew 18, which deals with the family of God and how we treat each other. Dr. Miller serves as Senior Professor of Biblical Studies at Cedarville University.

To Live is Christ - Philippians 1:18b-26 — 9/14/2020

Dr. Thomas White reminds us from Philippians 1:18b-26 that we are to honor Christ in life and in death. Dr. White serves as President of Cedarville University.

SGA Chapel - 9/11/2020 — 9/11/2020

Today's chapel is led by the Student Government Association of Cedarville University. Cam Sardano challenges us from Colossians 1:9-14 to strive to know Christ, so as to live out the new life which is founded upon the Gospel.