One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

Junior Class Chapel - 10/16/2019 — 10/16/2019

Today's chapel is led by Cedarville University's Junior Class of students. Class chaplain, Caleb Whicker, teaches that when we see Jesus for who He really is, we see self-denial for what it really is. His text is Mark 8:27-38.

Does God See? - Isaiah 40:12-31 — 10/15/2019

Pastor Sam Allberry gives his second message from Isaiah 40, focusing on God's strength and power.

Does God Care? - Isaiah 40:1-11 — 10/14/2019

Listen as Sam Allberry, pastor and writer from Maidenhead, UK, brings a message of comfort from Isaiah 40:1-11, describing the bigness of God's heart.

That’s Not My Job - Neh. 3:1-32 — 10/11/2019

Today's CU Friday speaker is Dr. Thomas White, President of Cedarville University. Speaking from Nehemiah 3, Dr. White teaches that God uses normal people to accomplish His purposes for His glory.

Is God All Good All the Time? — 10/10/2019

Dr. Bill Mounce, speaking from Romans 8:28-30, reminds us that God uses the pain and suffering in our lives to make us more like Jesus Christ. Dr. Mounce serves as President of

Stick Your Feet Out the Door — 10/9/2019

Listen as Pastor Eric Simpson teaches that uncertainty is the soil in which faith flourishes. His message is taken from John 6:16-21. He serves as Lead Pastor at Eagle Church in Whitestown, Indiana.

The God Who Speaks — 10/8/2019

Dr. Jon Wood implores us to be obedient to God's Word, and to trust His promises and faithfulness. He uses Deuteronomy 4 to recount Moses' doing this with the people of Israel. Dr. Wood serves as Vice President for Student Life and Christian Ministries at Cedarville University.

"Living Water" - A Worship Experience — 10/6/2019

Cedarville University's 2019 Homecoming and Parents Weekend culminates in this beautiful worship experience.

State of the University Address — 10/4/2019

Today's Homecoming State of the University address is given by Dr. Thomas White, president of Cedarville University.

Christians, We are the Light of the World — 10/3/2019

Today's Alumni Week speaker is Dr. Stephen Dye, founding pastor of Crossway International Baptist Church in Berlin, Germany. Dr. Dye challenges us to share the light of the Gospel with the world.

Where Reaching This World Begins — 10/2/2019

Don Lough, Jr, encourages us to remember the treasure that we have in the Gospel, and to share it in God's power through us as weak vessels. He serves as Executive Director of Word of Life Fellowship.

Answering the Call — 10/1/2019

Today's Alumni Week speaker is Dr. Scott Van Loo, Vice President for Enrollment Management at Cedarville University. Dr. Van Loo shares his testimony of God's faithfulness in his life.

Amanda Tress Interview — 9/30/2019

Today's Alumni Week guest is Amanda Tress, Founder & CEO of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss. Listen as she is interviewed by Dr. Thomas White, President of Cedarville University.

SGA Chapel - 9/27/2019 — 9/27/2019

Today's chapel is led by Cedarville University's Student Government Association. Chaplain Isaac Dye teaches that we have fellowship with God by looking to Christ as our advocate, and walking as He walked. His text is 1 John 2:1-6.

A Living Hope: The Life Salvation Produces — 9/26/2019

Dr. Jeremy Kimble, speaking from 1 Peter 13-25, teaches that because of what God has done for us in Christ, we should be a people of hope, holiness, reverence, and love. Dr. Kimble serves as Director of the Center for Biblical Integration & Associate Professor of Theology at Cedarville University.

Treasures in Jars of Clay — 9/25/2019

Dr. Kevin Jones shares from 2 Corinthians 4:7-17 that we present the Gospel in God's power, and not our own. Dr. Jones serves as Chair of the School of Education and Human Development at Kentucky State University.

The Light of the Gospel — 9/24/2019

Dr. Kevin Jones, Chair of the School of Education and Human Development at Kentucky State University, teaches that we must be good stewards of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to unbelievers. His text is 2 Corinthians 4:1-6.

My Testimony — 9/23/2019

Today's speaker is Dr. Erin Shaw, Assistant Professor of Women's Ministry at Cedarville University. Dr. Shaw shares her story of salvation and restoration.

Resolve - Neh. 2:9-20 — 9/20/2019

Today's CU Friday speaker is Dr. Thomas White, president of Cedarville University. Speaking from Nehemiah 2:9-20, Dr. White teaches that Nehemiah had faith that God would make them prosper.

Who Will You Choose to Be? — 9/19/2019

Today's speaker is Dick Blanc, executive director of the new Entrepreneurship Accelerator Program at Cedarville University. Mr. Blanc used the examples of Daniel and Esther to encourage us to advance the cause of Christ in our nation and around the world.