One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

Confession - Neh. 9:1-37 — 2/17/2020

Today's CU Monday speaker is Dr. Thomas White, President of Cedarville University. Dr. White teaches from Nehemiah 9:1-37 that God is good, and we are not.

Junior Class Chapel - 2/14/2020 — 2/14/2020

Today's chapel is led by Cedarville University's Junior Class. Class chaplain, Caleb Whicker, teaches from 2 Peter 1:3-15 that because of who they are in Christ, true believers must always grow.

Diversity Panel Discussion — 2/13/2020

Today's chapel is a Diversity Panel Discussion led by Dr. Thomas White, Dr. Anthony Moore, and Dr. Josh Kira of Cedarville University, and William Branch, Assistant Professor of Preaching and Bible at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Cultivate the City: Embracing an Exilic Theology — 2/12/2020

Today's speaker is Micah Fries, Senior Pastor of Brainerd Baptist Church in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Pastor Fries uses Jeremiah 29:4-14 to draw a parallel from the nation of Israel living in exile in Babylon, to how we ought to live and behave in our culture today.

How Childlike Prayer Can Change Your World — 2/11/2020

Today's speaker is Dr. Jedidiah Coppenger, Lead Pastor of Redemption City Church in Franklin, Tennessee. Dr. Coppenger encourages us from Matthew 6:9-13 to come in humility to God in prayer, trusting in His power to make a difference.

Doers of The Word - Neh. 8:13 - 9:5 — 2/10/2020

Dr. Thomas White continues his series in the Book of Nehemiah, exhorting us to be doers of the Word, and not hearers only. His text is Nehemiah 8:13 - 9:5. Dr. White serves as President of Cedarville University.

SGA Chapel - 2/7/2020 — 2/7/2020

Today's chapel is led by Cedarville University's Student Government Association. Chaplain Isaac Dye teaches from 1 John 4:7-21 that when we love one another, we are more complete images of our God Who is love.

Strangers on Earth, But Not Strangers to Suffering — 2/6/2020

Today's speaker is Dr. Trent Rogers, Assistant Professor of New Testament and Greek at Cedarville University. Dr. Rogers teaches from 1 Peter 4:12-19 that we, as followers of Jesus Christ, can expect to suffer as Christ did.

Spirit-Filled, Ordinary Faithfulness — 2/5/2020

Listen as Dr. Jon Wood teaches that the Spirit-established church grows through Spirit-filled church members living in ordinary faithfulness. His text is Acts 2:42-47. Dr. Wood serves as Vice President for Student Life and Christian Ministries at Cedarville University.

Senior Class Chapel - 2/3/2020 — 2/3/2020

Today's chapel is led by the Senior Class of Cedarville University. Class chaplain, Andrew Standley, teaches from Joel 2 that everyone has sin on their account that requires payment, but God is supremely gracious and merciful to forgive sin through the person of Jesus Christ.

SGA Chapel - 1/31/2020 — 1/31/2020

Today's chapel is led by Cedarville University's Student Government Association. Speaking from I John 4:1-6, SGA Chaplain, Isaac Dye, teaches that we need to listen as God's Spirit affirms and illuminates His Word.

Mansion or Mission? — 1/30/2020

Dr. Dan DeWitt continues the "Living Hope" series, speaking from 1 Peter 4:1-11. Dr. DeWitt encourages us not to live seeking pleasure and selfish ambition, but to live for the will of God, loving and serving others. Dr. DeWitt serves as Director of the Center for Biblical Apologetics and Public Christianity at Cedarville University.

The Sanctity of Human Life — 1/29/2020

Today's speaker is David Gibbs III, President and General Counsel of the National Center for Life and Liberty. Mr. Gibbs reminds us from Matthew 25:35-40 of God's great concern over how we care for those whom society regards as unimportant.

Current Events Q & A — 1/28/2020

Today's chapel is a Current Events Q & A with Dr. Thomas White, Dr. Mark Caleb Smith, & Dr. Jeff Haymond of Cedarville University.

Charter Day — 1/27/2020

Today's Charter Day Chapel speaker is Dr. Tom Mach, Vice President for Academics and Chief Academic Officer at Cedarville University. Dr. Mach reflects on the university's history, which has displayed a commitment to the Word of God and the Testimony of Jesus Christ.

Worship 4:24 - Travis Cottrell — 1/24/2020

Today's Worship 4:24 chapel is led by Travis Cottrell, worship pastor at Englewood Baptist Church in Jackson, Tennessee.

Bring the Book - Neh. 8:1-12 — 1/23/2020

Speaking from Nehemiah 8:1-12, Dr. Thomas White declares that we must understand the Word of God and experience the joy of its truth. Dr. White serves as President of Cedarville University.

It's More Than Just a Rock - Part II — 1/22/2020

Dr. James Hilton continues his 2-day series, encouraging us to put our confidence in God, and allow Him to lead us by His power. His message is taken from 1 Peter 2. Dr. Hilton serves as Lead Pastor of The Journey at First Baptist Orange City, Florida.

It's More Than Just a Rock - Part I — 1/21/2020

Today's speaker is Dr. James Hilton, Lead Pastor of The Journey at First Baptist Orange City, Florida. Dr. Hilton teaches that our willingness to trust that God has enabled us to do what we feel unqualified to do, is what qualifies us.

20/20 Vision — 1/17/2020

Today's CU LEAD speaker is Lt. General (Ret.) Loren Reno, Senior Advisor to the President at Cedarville University. Speaking from 1 Kings 3:1-15, General Reno prompts us to ask ourselves what vision we will pursue, as we can only lead others well if we first lead ourselves well.