One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

This Man Went Home Justified, Rather Than the Other — 3/27/2019

Dr. Albert Mohler teaches that we are loved by God and justified because of the work of Christ on the cross . His message is from Luke 18:9-14. Dr. Mohler serves as President of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky.

Living Your Christian Faith in the Marketplace — 3/26/2019

Mr. E. Thomas Arington serves as the Chairman and CEO of Scion Companies, Prasco and Aprecia Pharmaceuticals, a 3DP specialty pharmaceutical company.

ID: We Are Submissive in Christ — 3/25/2019

Dr. Thomas White, president of Cedarville University, encourages us to faithfully obey and exercise human authority in a manner that glorifies God. His text is Ephesians 6:1-9.

Freshman Class Chapel - 3/22/2019 — 3/22/2019

Today's chapel is led by Cedarville University's freshman class, with a message from 2 Corinthians 4:5-18 by class chaplain, Justin Schlabach.

Woman — 3/21/2019

Today's speaker is Dannah Gresh, author, speaker and creator of Secret Keeper Girl.

The Sufficiency of Scripture for Everything — 3/20/2019

Dr. Victor Clay encourages us that we can trust God's Word because of its origin, its obligation, and its operation. His text is 2 Timothy 3:16-17. Dr. Clay serves as Senior Pastor of Dynamic Life Baptist Ministries in Kansas City, Kansas.

Worship Chapel - 3/19/2019 — 3/19/2019

Today's chapel is a worship chapel led by students in the Worship Practicum Class at Cedarville University.

SGA Chapel - 3/18/2019 — 3/18/2019

Student Government Association chaplain, Campbell Bortel, teaches that surrendering in obedience to God is always worth it. He shares the story of Abraham's faith displayed in Genesis 22:1-19.

ID: We Are the Mysterious Bride in Christ — 3/15/2019

In this message, Dr. Thomas White teaches that marriage reflects the mysterious beauty of the Gospel. His text is Ephesians 5:22-33.

Finishing Well — 3/14/2019

Today's speaker is Trent Griffith, senior pastor at Gospel City Church in Granger, Indiana. Pastor Griffith gives us valuable lessons from the life of Gideon, found in Judges 6-8.

Common Misconceptions About Singleness — 3/13/2019

In his second message on the issue of singleness, Sam Allberry shares some of the ways we typically misunderstand singleness in the church today.

Singleness, Marriage, and the Gospel — 3/12/2019

Sam Allberry, pastor and writer from Maidenhead, UK, begins a 2-day series on the issue of singleness. Today, he focuses on what Jesus says about marriage, as well as what the Bible teaches about marriage and singleness.

The Lord's Prayer - Matthew 6:5-14 — 3/11/2019

Today's chapel is a Prayer Chapel, led by Dr. Jon Wood, Vice President for Student Life and Christian Ministries at Cedarville University.

SGA Chapel - 3/1/2019 — 3/1/2019

Today's chapel is led by Cedarville University's Student Government Association. Speaking from Matthew 25:14-30, Campbell Bortel shares that a faithful servant is faithful to the gospel.

Do Theology: Three Priorities for Gospel-Driven Living — 2/28/2019

Today's speaker is Dr. Rick Melson, Vice President for Advancement at Cedarville University. Speaking from Romans 12:1-2, John 15, and Acts 2:42-47, Dr. Melson shares three priorities we have as Christians involving our relationships to God, to other believers, and to the world.

The Serpent and The Serpent Slayer — 2/27/2019

Today's speaker is Dr. Andy Naselli, Associate Professor of New Testament & Theology at Bethlehem College and Seminary. Dr. Naselli uses Revelation chapters 12 and 20 to show the culmination of the biblical theme of Jesus Christ defeating Satan.

Choices — 2/26/2019

Today's speaker is Wes Polsdorfer, CFO and COO of The Romanoff Group in Delaware, Ohio. Mr. Polsdorfer shared that the choices we have made in the past, and are making in the present, determine future outcomes.

Worship Chapel - "Joy" — 2/25/2019

The theme of this Worship Chapel is "Joy", from Psalm 16:11. This is presented by the Worship Practicum class at Cedarville University.

Is This a Dream? No, It's Far Worse...and Better — 2/21/2019

Speaking from Psalm 73, Dr. Jason Duesing cautions us against the temptation of having a maximized view of man, and a minimized view of God.

The Most Important Discipline I Learned in My 20's — 2/20/2019

Dr. Jason Duesing exhorts us from Ephesians 2:11-13 that we can conquer any sin by regularly remembering who we were apart from Christ, and reminding ourselves of who we are in Christ. Dr. Duesing serves as Provost of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City, Missouri.