Two Critical Moments in Cedarville University History: A Charter Day Address — 1/29/2018
Lynn Brock serves as Dean of Library Services and University Archivist at Cedarville University.
SGA Chapel - 1/25/2018 — 1/25/2018
Today's chapel was organized and led by members of Cedarville University's Student Government Association (SGA). The message was given by the SGA Chaplain, David Carter. The text for his message is Philippians 1:27-30.
IDK: Part 2 — 1/24/2018
Dr. James Hilton serves as Lead Pastor and Teacher at The Journey in Orange City, Florida. The text for his message is Matthew 6:25-33.
IDK: Part 1 — 1/23/2018
Dr. James Hilton serves as Lead Pastor and Teacher at The Journey in Orange City, Florida. The text for his message is 1 Samuel 17.
Can't Get No Satisfaction — 1/22/2018
Dr. Thomas White serves as President of Cedarville University. The text for his message is Proverbs 23:1-8.
The Greater David — 1/19/2018
Shai Linne is a Recording Artist and Church Planter at Risen Christ Fellowship. The text for his message is 1 Samuel 17.
Excellence — 1/18/2018
Dr. Tom Mach serves as Vice President for Academics & Chief Academic Officer at Cedarville University. The text for his message is Colossians 3.
Elisha and the Bears — 1/17/2018
Dr. Jonathan Akin serves as Director of Young Leader Engagement with the North American Mission Board. The text for his message is II Kings 2.
"The Father" Knows Best — 1/16/2018
Dr. Thomas White serves as President of Cedarville University. The text for his message is Proverbs 4.
The Incompatibility of Christianity and Racism — 1/15/2018
Our speaker for this special Martin Luther King Jr. Day chapel is Dr. Aaron Lavender, Senior Pastor of Grace Baptist Church in Kansas City, Missouri and Vice President of Carver Baptist Bible College, Institute & Theological Seminary. The text for his message is Galatians 3:26-29.
SGA Chapel - 1/12/2018 — 1/12/2018
Today's chapel was organized and led by members of Cedarville University's Student Government Association (SGA). The message was given by the SGA Chaplain, David Carter. The text for his message is Philippians 1:1-26.
Serving Christ Sacrificially in Life and in Death — 1/11/2018
Our speaker for the final morning of the 2018 Missions Conference was Jennifer DeKryger, missionary with ABWE International at the Hospital of Hope in Togo, West Africa.
Kingdom Hospitality — 1/11/2018
Our 2018 Missions Conference keynote speaker is Dr. Tony Merida, Pastor for Preaching and Vision at Imago Dei Church in Raleigh, North Carolina. The text for his message is Luke 14:12-24.
Word-Obeying Missions — 1/10/2018
Our 2018 Missions Conference keynote speaker is Dr. Tony Merida, Pastor for Preaching and Vision at Imago Dei Church in Raleigh, North Carolina. The text for his message is James 1:16-27.
Awe-Driven Missions — 1/10/2018
Our 2018 Missions Conference keynote speaker is Dr. Tony Merida, Pastor for Preaching and Vision at Imago Dei Church in Raleigh, North Carolina. The text for his message is Psalm 145.
God is For Us — 1/9/2018
Our 2018 Missions Conference keynote speaker is Dr. Tony Merida, Pastor for Preaching and Vision at Imago Dei Church in Raleigh, North Carolina. The text for his message is Romans 8:31-39.
SGA Prayer Chapel — 12/8/2017
Today's prayer chapel will be led by the Cedarville University's Student Government Association.
live@ten — 12/7/2017
Today's chapel "live@ten" was led by Cedarville University's Student Government Association.
Rhythms of a God-Centered Life — 12/6/2017
Dr. Tom Hutchison serves as Professor of Christian Education at Cedarville University. The texts for his message are Genesis 2:2-3, Exodus 20:8-11, and Deuteronomy 5:12-15.
Jesus is Everything — 12/5/2017
Dr. Steven Smith serves as Senior Pastor at Immanuel Baptist Church in Little Rock, AR. The text for his message is Colossians 1:15.