One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

ID: We Are United in Christ — 10/22/2018

Speaking from Ephesians 2:11-22, Dr. Thomas White teaches that the Gospel brings unity, peace, and community to those who find their identity in Christ.

SGA Chapel - 10/17/2018 — 10/17/2018

This morning's chapel is led by Cedarville University's Student Government Association. Campbell Bortel, SGA chaplain, shares from Hebrews 12:1-3 that the Christian life is not about running from something, but running toward Jesus Christ.

Worry Removal — 10/16/2018

Dave Patty, director and president of Josiah Venture, uses Matthew 6:25 to remind us that when we focus on the kingdom of God and our role of serving in it, our worry and anxiety will fade away.

Do You Enjoy God? — 10/15/2018

Today's chapel speaker is David Mathis, executive director of Pastor Mathis reminds us that true joy and satisfaction in life will only be found in seeking God's face.

ID: We Are Made Alive in Christ — 10/12/2018

Dr. Thomas White, president of Cedarville University, uses Ephesians 2:1-10 to show that the spiritually dead are made alive in Christ to do good works for His glory.

The Program of the Book of Jeremiah — 10/11/2018

Today's chapel speaker is Dr. Michael Shepherd, associate professor of Biblical Studies at Cedarville University.

Hope in the Face of Cynicism - Part 2 — 10/10/2018

Jennifer Marshall, vice president for the Institute for Family, Community, & Opportunity at The Heritage Foundation, talks about hope and realism as the antidote to a cynical posture in our culture.

Hope in the Face of Cynicism - Part 1 — 10/9/2018

Listen as Jennifer Marshall encourages us to avoid cynicism and frustration when we observe the condition of our society, but rather to faithfully engage our culture with the hope found in Christ.

Michael O'Brien — 10/8/2018

Today's chapel is led by Michael O'Brien, 20-year music veteran and former lead singer for Christian band Newsong.

The Light: A Night of Worship — 10/7/2018

This special concert was the finale to Cedarville's 2018 Homecoming festivities.

State of the University Address — 10/5/2018

Today's Homecoming State of the University address is given by Dr. Thomas White, President of Cedarville University.

Q & A with Tim Ware — 10/4/2018

Today's Homecoming Week chapel guest is Cedarville University alumnus Tim Ware, founder and principal at Ware Consulting Group in Memphis, Tennessee.

The Trials of the Cedarville Student — 10/3/2018

Today's chapel speaker is Dr. Paul Dixon, chancellor of Cedarville University. Speaking from 2 Corinthians 1:3-11, Dr. Dixon shares that God allows trials in our lives to make us caring, humble, praying, and thankful people.

For the Word of God and the Testimony of Jesus Christ — 10/2/2018

Cedarville University Archivist, Lynn Brock, gives a history of the faithful servants of God who were instrumental in translating the Bible into English.

The Fight, The Race, The Faith — 10/1/2018

Today's Alumni Week chapel speaker is Dr. Tim Tuinstra, associate professor of Electrical Engineering at Cedarville University. He shares his story of perseverance and trust in God through adversity.

Junior Class Chapel - 9/28/2018 — 9/28/2018

Today's chapel is led by Cedarville University's Junior Class. Joe Nealis, class chaplain, shares a message from Galatians 1:1-9 entitled, "Four Things I Need to Believe in Order to Experience the Power of the Gospel".

The Friend Who Forgives — 9/27/2018

Today's chapel speaker is Dr. Dan DeWitt, Director of the Center for Biblical Apologetics & Public Christianity and Associate Professor of Applied Theology & Apologetics at Cedarville University. Dr. DeWitt reminds us of the hope we have in a risen Savior.

A Distaste for Grace — 9/26/2018

Listen as Dr. Kurt Bjorklund urges us to relish in Christ's generous grace toward us. His text is Matthew 20:1-16.

Four Reasons Your Christian Faith is a Political Threat — 9/25/2018

Today's chapel speaker is Dr. Jonathan Leeman, editorial director for 9Marks. Dr. Leeman shared that our Gospel faithfulness should not only threaten an idolatrous culture , but it should also compel others to notice our love.

Worship Chapel - 9/24/2018 — 9/24/2018

Today's worship chapel is presented by the Worship Practicum class at Cedarville University.