The Process - Part 1 — 8/19/2019
The speaker for the Fall Bible Conference is Dean Inserra, lead pastor of CityChurch, Tallahassee, FL. The text for his message is 1 Corinthians 2:9 - 3:3.
Welcome Back to Cedarville University! — 8/19/2019
Our opening chapel of the academic school year is led by Cedarville University's president, Dr. Thomas White.
Senior Chapel - 4/24/2019 — 4/24/2019
Today's chapel is presented by the Senior Class. Aaron Cook, Director of Discipleship Ministries at Cedarville University, delivers a challenge to the graduating seniors.
SGA Chapel - 4/23/2019 — 4/23/2019
Today's chapel is led by Cedarville University's Student Government Association.
Dr. Robert Chasnov - Passover Seder — 4/18/2019
Dr. Robert Chasnov, Dean of the School of Engineering and Computer Science at Cedarville University, leads the university family in a Jewish Passover Seder.
Model Serving — 4/17/2019
Lt. General (Ret.) Loren Reno, Professor of Management and Special Advisor to the President at Cedarville University, teaches that model serving includes seeking to serve. His text is 2 Kings 4:8-17.
HeartSong Chapel — 4/16/2019
Today's chapel is led by the HeartSong ministry teams of Cedarville University, praising our risen Savior, Jesus Christ.
ID: We Are Accepted in Christ — 4/15/2019
Dr. Thomas White, President of Cedarville University, concludes his series from Ephesians. In this message from Ephesians 6:21-24, Dr. White teaches that God's grace produces peace and genuine friendships.
He Will Hold Me Fast — 4/12/2019
Dr. Jeremy Kimble, Assistant Professor of Theology at Cedarville University, exhorts us from the Book of Jude to contend for, and persevere in the faith, by God's grace.
Biblical Friendship — 4/10/2019
Today's speaker is author Christine Hoover. She shared how we can embrace biblical friendship, and practice it with one another.
The Exceptional Exile — 4/9/2019
Today's speaker is Kyle Hoover, Lead Pastor at Charlottesville Community Church in Charlottesville, Virginia. Pastor Hoover challenges us from Daniel 1 to live in ways that stir our affections for the Lord, and to share the light of the Gospel in our culture.
Sophomore Class Chapel - 4/8/2019 — 4/8/2019
Today's chapel is led by Cedarville University's Sophomore Class. Speaking from Philippians 4:4-9, chaplain Caleb Whicker teaches that the Gospel casts out anxiety, and brings peace and joy.
ID: We Are Equipped in Christ — 4/5/2019
Speaking from Ephesians 6:10-20, Dr. Thomas White, president of Cedarville University, teaches that in Christ, we are equipped to stand against evil.
Brave Obedience — 4/4/2019
Ray Green, Lead Pastor at Immanuel Baptist Church in Lexington, Kentucky, encourages us to answer the call of God in our lives, despite the opposition we might face.
Bear Each Other's Burdens — 4/3/2019
Listen as Dr. Anthony Bradley, Professor of Religious Studies at The King's College in New York City, brings a message from Galatians 6:2. He shares the opportunity we have to bring others to Christ as we come alongside them and bring their burdens to Jesus.
Faculty Recognition Chapel — 4/2/2019
Today's chapel is Faculty Recognition Day. Cedarville University recognizes the accomplishments of many of its faculty members, and honors those that are retiring.
C.U. Orchestra Praise Chapel - "Faithfulness" — 4/1/2019
Today's Praise Chapel is led by the Cedarville University Orchestra. The theme for this chapel is "Faithfulness".
SGA Chapel - 3/29/2019 — 3/29/2019
Campbell Bortel, Student Government Association chaplain, teaches from Galatians 4:3-7 that faithfully pursuing a faithful God requires a faithful investment in the local church.
The Christ Who Saves Us By Dying For Us — 3/28/2019
In this message from Matthew 16, Dr. Jason Lee teaches that Jesus Christ is the Messiah promised in the Old Testament, and through His death, we can have the forgiveness of sins.