One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

Veterans Day Chapel — 11/11/2021

Today's annual Veterans Day Chapel honors all who have served, or are presently serving, in the armed forces.

Broken Clay Bowls and The Surpassing Power of God — 11/10/2021

Today's speaker is Dr. Will Smallwood, Vice President for Advancement at Cedarville University. Dr. Smallwood declares from 2 Corinthians 4:7-18 that when we carry out Gospel ministry through affliction, the frailty of our human bodies reveals the awesome power of God.

Believe: John 8 — 11/9/2021

Today's speaker is Dr. Jon Wood, Vice President for Student Life and Christian Ministries at Cedarville University. Speaking from John 8, Dr. Wood teaches that disciples of Jesus abide in His Word.

SGA Chapel - 11/8/2021 — 11/8/2021

Today's chapel is led by the Student Government Association at Cedarville University. Chaplain Justin Schlabach teaches from Galatians 3:1-14 that through faith in Christ, not faith in our works, we have all we need to measure up.

The Parable of the Talents — 11/5/2021

Today's CU Friday speaker is Dr. Thomas White, President of Cedarville University. Dr. White exhorts us from Matthew 25:14-30 to be faithful, Kingdom-minded stewards of all God entrusts to us.

Believe: John 7 — 11/4/2021

Listen as Dr. Brandon Smith continues the series entitled, "Believe: The Gospel of John", speaking from John 7. Dr. Smith serves as Assistant Professor of Theology and New Testament at Cedarville University.

Celebrating Generations — 11/3/2021

Dr. Bryan Chapell, speaking from Acts 13:1-5, implores us to yield to the power of the Holy Spirit in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations. Dr. Chapell serves as the Stated Clerk Pro Tempore at the Presbyterian Church in America.

Life After Lions — 11/2/2021

Today's speaker is Dr. Bryan Chapell, a pastor and theologian who currently serves as the Stated Clerk Pro Tempore at the Presbyterian Church in America. Speaking from Daniel 6, Dr. Chapell teaches that we are called to faithfulness beyond suffering, beyond what we can see, for the purposes of God greater than we can fathom.

live@ten — 11/1/2021

Today's live@ten chapel is presented by the Student Life Division.

SGA Chapel - 10/29/2021 — 10/29/2021

Today's chapel is led by the Student Government Association at Cedarville University. SGA Chaplain Justin Schlabach teaches that living a life pleasing to God only comes through Jesus Christ. His text is Galatians 2:11-21.

The Bright Side of Brokenness — 10/28/2021

Pastor Philip Miller shares how to move beyond personal failure in today's chapel message from John 21:1-22. He talks about the danger of relapse, the grace of repentance, and the beauty of redemption. Pastor Miller serves as Senior Pastor of The Moody Church in Chicago, IL.

The Dark Side of Giftedness — 10/27/2021

Today's speaker is Philip Miller, Senior Pastor of The Moody Church in Chicago, IL. Pastor Miller looks at the account of Jacob wrestling with God in Genesis 32:22-32, teaching that God loves us enough to break our self-reliant pride, so that we can experience His blessings and grace.

Worship Chapel - 10/26/2021 — 10/26/2021

Today's Worship Chapel is led by the Worship Practicum class of Cedarville University.

The Parable of the Two Sons — 10/25/2021

Listen as Dr. Thomas White teaches that actions speak louder than words, based on the parable of the two sons found in Matthew 21:28-32. Dr. White serves as President of Cedarville University.

Junior Class Chapel - 10/22/2021 — 10/22/2021

Today's chapel is led by Cedarville University's Junior Class. Chaplain Justin Schlatmann reminds us from 2 Timothy 3:10-17 to remember what God has done in the lives of others, and to continue forward faithfully in His Word.

Believe: John 6 — 10/20/2021

Today's speaker is Dr. Gregory Couser, Senior Professor of Bible and Greek at Cedarville University. Dr. Couser continues the series entitled, "Believe: The Gospel of John", giving an overview of chapter 6, and showing what it teaches us about Jesus, and what it teaches us about being a disciple.

Good Grief — 10/19/2021

Today's speaker is Dr. Mike Augsburger, Lead Pastor at Soteria Church in West Des Moines, Iowa. Dr. Augsburger shows us from Psalm 119:65-72 that affliction has the ability to teach us that God is truly better than comfort.

The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard — 10/18/2021

Today's speaker is Dr. Thomas White, President of Cedarville University. Dr. White teaches from Matthew 20:1-16 that the Sovereign God rewards as He pleases.

Worship Chapel - 10/13/2021 — 10/13/2021

Today's Worship Chapel is presented by Cedarville University's Jubilate ministry team.

Seeking to Serve — 10/12/2021

Today's speaker is Dr. Rick Melson, President of Southwest Baptist University in Bolivar, Missouri. Dr. Melson invites us to adopt Jesus' paradigm of leadership, which stems from humility and service. His text is Matthew 20:17-28.