One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

It Is Good: A Call to Minister to Children — 4/10/2017

Dannah Gresh is a Best-selling Author, Speaker, and Founder of Secret Keeper Girl.

The Power of Prayer — 4/7/2017

Dr. Thomas White serves as President of Cedarville University. The text for his message is James 5:13-18.

Academic Honors Day Chapel — 4/6/2017

This was Cedarville University's annual Academic Honors Day chapel.

Servant Leadership: How to be Truly Great — 4/5/2017

Dr. Rick Melson serves as Vice President for Advancement at Cedarville University. The text for his message is Mark 10:35-45.

Why Did God Create the Devil? — 4/4/2017

Dr. J.R. Gilhooly serves as Director of the Honors Program and Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Theology at Cedarville University.

Q & A Chapel — 4/3/2017

Dr. Thomas White, Cedarville University president, had a time of Q & A with members of the student body.

Sophomore Class Chapel - 3/31/2017 — 3/31/2017

Today's chapel was organized and led by members of Cedarville University's Sophomore Class. The message was given by the class chaplain, Vitaliy Lukyanov.

Ye of Brittle Faith — 3/30/2017

Larry Alex Taunton is the Founder and Executive Director of Fixed Point Foundation. He is also the author of the book, "The Faith of Christopher Hitchens".

The Love of Christ — 3/29/2017

Sam Allberry serves as Associate Minister at St. Mary's Church in Maidenhead, Berkshire, United Kingdom. The text for his message is Luke 22:39-46.

Worship Chapel - 3/28/2017 — 3/28/2017

This chapel was presented by the Worship Practicum class at Cedarville University.

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire — 3/27/2017

Dr. Thomas White serves as President of Cedarville University. The text for his message is James 5:12.

Freshman Class Chapel - 3/24/2017 — 3/24/2017

Today's chapel was organized and led by members of Cedarville University's Freshman Class. The message was given by the class chaplain, Isaac Dye.

The Hard Part of Doing God's Will — 3/23/2017

Dr. Jason Lee serves as Dean of the School of Biblical and Theological Studies at Cedarville University. The text for his message is Matthew 26:36-56. Dr. Lee taught that the hardest part of doing God's will is not finding His will, but it is submitting our own will to His.

Do All You Do for the Glory of God — 3/22/2017

Today's chapel speaker from The Gathering is Navy SEAL, Chad Williams.

The Stupendous Cost of Your Education — 3/21/2017

Dr. Paige Patterson serves as President of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. The text for his message is Genesis 22.

Q & A Chapel: Bereans @ The Gate — 3/20/2017

Dr. Thomas White, Cedarville University president, posed questions to a panel of faculty members who comprise a group called Bereans @ The Gate.

SGA Chapel - 3/17/2017 — 3/17/2017

Today's chapel was organized and led by members of Cedarville University's Student Government Association (SGA). Parker McGoldrick, SGA Chaplain, was joined by SGA Worship Leader, Ansen Lancaster, to talk about the subject of worship and praise.

Perseverance Through Trials — 3/16/2017

Jeff Willetts serves as Senior Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Bellefontaine, Ohio. The text for his message is I Peter 4.

The Journey of Calling — 3/15/2017

Brandon Shields serves as Pastor of Soma Church in Indianapolis, Indiana. The text for his message is II Timothy 1:3-14.

Faith, Work, and Economics - In Detroit — 3/14/2017

Today's Freedom to Flourish Conference chapel speakers will be Christopher Brooks, a Kern Foundation Grant recipient, and Josh Good, Program Director of the Faith, Work, and Economics Program with the Kern Foundation.